-Morning Movies- (F)

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includes:fluff, and insecure Eren
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Eren POV
I wake up to me sleeping onto of Levi with his arms around my waist, I smile and get carefully get up. I put of a pair of blue short shorts with white rimming, and grab a shirt out of my closet it was a regular pink shirt that had a bit of wording on it.

I walk out of the bedroom a quietly as I could and walk downstairs. as I'm walking downstairs I have a sudden urge to eat pudding. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge I ben down and grab a pudding and hear footsteps. "morning baby." god his morning voice is everything.

"g-good morning" he walks up to me and taps his cheek I look at him confused until I realized he wants a kiss, I laugh and lean over to him and give him a small peck on the cheek he smiles and looks at me, I look back at him confused 'is there something wrong?!?!? do I smell bad!!! is my hair a mess!?' I play with a pice of my hair.

"baby u look fine stop worrying, I was just looking at ur shorts" he smirks a bit and walks into the living room. I grab a spoon from the drawer and walk into the living not soon after Levi did. he was reading a book.

Levi's POV
Eren walks into the living room, I focus on reading my book until he comes and sits right next to me, I am laying on the couch and I mean his ass is on my chest (the photo above ⬆️) I keep focus on my book when Eren asks what I wanted to watch "I'm in the mood for some movies pick one!" I leans down to grab the remote and I see he has panties on?

"Eren.?" he looks back at me "hm?" with a spoon of pudding in him mouth "Why, .... Why do u have panties on??" he starts to cough and pulls out his spoon. "what?" "you heard me I don't like to repeat myself" I look at him "w-well I- ermm I felt like wearing them, I'm sorry!!, ill go change!!!" he starts to stand up "Eren what did I tell u about that! I'm not judging you baby." I hug his stomach so he cant get up.

"i'll change if u don't like it tho, its not a problem haha" he rubs the back of his head "no, I like it" I slip my hand into his shorts and rub his inner thigh. "are u sure?? i w-will" tenses up when I pinch him a bit "I said no you're alright" i say while sitting up and kissing him softly.

I deepen the kiss a bit "l-lefggh" I push him down onto to couch he taps my chest I brake the kiss he gasps for air, he wipes his mouth "Levi, w-why did u kiss me?" 'because to cute and sweet' "because I don't like it when u are insecure around me" 'and that especially that' "I- I feel weird" he hold his stomach.

"what?! what dose it feel like?!" he looks at me "it feels nice and fuzzy" I laugh "you have butterfly's?" "yeah I have butterfly's!" he kisses me "alright what do u wanna watch!!
-571 words <3

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