Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

We sat in the car for a moment, as I forced myself to breathe, before I felt Laken shift beside me, the door opened and he climbed out, walking around to the other side where he opened my door with an amused smile.

"You're loving this, aren't you?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Every second," he grinned, gesturing for me to get out, which I did, but not before rolling my eyes so he would see.

We walked silently into the woods, Laken by my side the whole time as the land around us slowly got darker.

It was like the moon was whispering to me and it was all I could hear, almost like in a trance, a voice in my head daring me to make our claim.

I originally planned for this to be a lot more romantic, but instead all I felt was needy and hot, like I might die soon if I didn't do something.

We got to our destination a lot sooner than I anticipated, the trees thinned out, the lake came into view, surrounded by the flowers that appeared more vibrant than ever, as if they knew of tonight's arrangements.

In my trance, I did however remember to grab a couple of things we needed before we started our trek into the woods, which we would both be grateful for later on.

Laken ran on ahead once he saw the lake, the smile never leaving his face as he fell to his knees in front of the water, the moon always looked amazing reflecting off the water, especially under a full moon, but the moon wasn't high enough yet, it was barely making itself known in the sky.

But while Laken made himself comfortable with his surroundings, I lay down the blanket I grabbed, inside stored a small bottle of clear liquid that I placed into my pocket.

I deemed the blanket would be a lot more comfortable than the grass, and I wanted Laken to be as happy and content as I could make him.

Everything was so quiet and surreal out here, it was peaceful and beautiful as always, the sky was getting darker with every passing second, and we had the whole place to ourselves.

I lay back on the blanket with my arms behind my head as I took everything in, we could take our time now, there was no rush to find somewhere private, we could let it happen naturally, my wolf and I relaxed as much as we could under the tension of the moon that only raised higher and higher in the sky.

My mate not too far away, enjoying our secret place with a smile on his face that never failed to make my heart jump.

I wanted him so badly, but when I saw the calming wonder on his face, I knew I could wait just a little bit longer.

-Laken's POV-

With every minute that passed, the moon rose higher in the sky, and the land became even more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

It had been a good day, and the evening was so calm, I was taking a moment before I would officially become a man and mated for life.

Was I nervous? No, I probably should have been but for some reason I wasn't. Was I excited? Hell yeah, I was probably being naive, young, dumb, and foolish but fuck it, I know what I want and it's not like this was under any ordinary circumstances.

Damon and I, we are mates, a strong everlasting bond formed between us the moment our eyes first met, and it would take a lot to break that, if it were even possible.

What we had was special, and cliché, and I loved every second of it.

Damon lay on a blanket not too far away from me, his eyes drifting between me and the darkening sky. He appeared a lot calmer than earlier, though his eyes still shone just as bright.

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