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Today was the day you were gonna go over to Japan's house for a party she invited you too. You weren't sure why she was throwing a party, today wasn't any special holiday. But then again countries used to throw parties for no reason all the time. Although you have only been friends with Japan for a couple weeks you decided it would be a good opportunity to hang out with her, and get acquainted with all her other friends. Maybe even get a little drunk. She told you to not dress up too fancy so you just put on clothes that you would typically wear to school, with a few extra accessories. Then you got in your car and headed to her house.

When you arrived you could already here anime theme songs blasting from the inside of the house. You couldn't help but notice the Harley Davidson motorcycle parked on the curb. Whoever drove that at your age must be really cool.

"Y/N Chan, you're here!" Japan exclaimed as you entered the door. "Okay everyone, we can finally start the game!"

"What's the game?" You asked. A huge smirk suddenly appeared on Japan's face.

"30 minutes in heaven, duh!?!??!" She cheered.

"Huh what!?!?!??!" Your face suddenly turned a bright red. She wanted you to play the game where you get shoved in a closet with some random stranger and then make out with him!?!??! And you thought it was 7 minutes, not 30.........But then again, this is Japan, the same girl that watches hentai for a living, what did you expect?

"I know it's supposed to be 7 minutes but that's never enough time for things to get spicy so...........I've extended it to 30 minutes!!!!!" She then grabbed your wrist and then dragged you to the center of the circle while a million eyes were watching you. "And since you're my new best friend you should go first!!!! Now stick your hand in the bag!!!!" After a few seconds of stuttering you reluctantly reached your hand into the bag which was filled with the belongings of the guys at the party. You felt around and grabbed something. You pulled it out, it was a pair of sunglasses.

"Aieeeeeeeeeee those are my best friend's!!!!!!!!!" Japan literally shrieked in excitement. "Ame!!!!!" she called out.

"What!?!?!?!" A loud voice coming from upstairs shouted.

"You're up first!!!!!!" Japan shouted back.

"Awwwww yeah!!!!!!" The voice boomed again and you heard someone storm down the stairs. You turn your head to see a guy wearing a black vest and hoodie, as well as some black skinny jeans. He wasn't super tall but he was definitely above average height. He had several red and white stripes going across his face as well as a blue box covered in white stars in the corner. He looks really cool, you thought. Also his pattern looks just as flamboyant as his personality.........

"I believe these are mine!" He took the sunglasses out of your hand and put them on his head above his eyes. He then grabbed your hand with his gloved one and dragged you into the closet.

"Have fun you two!!!!!" Japan shouted as she shut and locked the closet door. You tried opening it but she somehow locked it from the outside.

You looked at the guy who you were now stuck with. He's............kinda cute.

"I'm America!!!!!! Haven't seen you before!!!!" Gee.......this guy's really loud............

"I'm y/n." You mumbled. "And I guess I'm stuck in here............"

"You got a problem with that?" He asked as he shifted closer to you. You paused, not really knowing what to say. You were gonna be stuck in here for way longer than seven minutes so you might as well say something.

"So.........um.........that Harley outside..........is it yours?" You asked.

"How did you know?" he replied. You were guessing that was a yes. He began to shift even closer to you, he was getting really close. Not like there was much space in this closet anyways...........

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