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TW: Holocaust references, blood/violence, trauma

The air around you reeked of burning flesh as charred corpses lied around you. A harsh cold winter wind burned your skin as you laid on the cold hard floor, full of dread. A dark, intimidating figure loomed over you. Third Reich. The sheer thought of his name made you sick to your stomach. This man has killed so many innocent countries, including your family. And he did it in the cruelest way imaginable. He captured his victims and sent them to one of his "concentration camps" where they were all starved and worked to death. Your whole body was sore and bleeding, and you have been surviving off of just one piece of bread a day for weeks, possibly even months. You were the sole survivor of his death camp, all the others have perished. You remember when this awful man stripped you away of your family because they were acting up, and just minutes later he showed you a tray covered in their charred remains. You wanted to kill him right then and there so badly, but you knew if you even attempted it you would just suffer the same awful fate. But instead he did something way more despicable, he called it a "little science experiment" but you knew that was just his code word for torture.

"Hello there my liebling.........." he purred.

"Shut up!!!!!!!" You growled at him, not even being able to look him in the eyes.

"Feisty as usual, I see..........." he got on his knees and his face was leaning closer to yours, but you still refused to look at him, despite how much you wanted to punch his big dumb swastika face.........

"I hate you!!!!!!" You retorted, your words filled with venom.

"Ugh, y/n, my strongest worker, my most powerful asset in my plans, and this is how you treat-"

"GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, which quite hurt since you were starved and nearly out of energy. When he refused to move, you notice a piece of shrapnel by your legs. You grab the shrapnel and quickly lunge it into one of Reich's legs.

"YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!" blood began spurring out of his leg as he pulled the shrapnel out of his leg like nothing had happened, causing even more blood to splatter all over the cold concrete floor.

"Okay, that's it!!!!" He pulled a powerful steel cuff out of his pocket as well as two other cuffs connected by chains. He violently pinned both of your hands down. You tried to resist, but it was no use. If you were at your full strength you could have easily overpowered him. Reich was cunning, but he usually relied on tactics other than strength. But since you were so starved you had no energy left in you. He locked the cuffs around your wrists and tied the chain to a hook attached to the wall, and then using the other cuff he latched your ankles together.

"You know, I only kept you alive this long cause I liked the determination you have..............but if you are going to hate me with all your heart than I have no use for you." You growled and spat on him to in one last desperate attempt to show dominance over him, but he just completely ignored you. He pulled out a Luger pistol from his pocket and began loading it. He then pointed the gun right at your skull. "Any last words?" he muttered.

You didn't know how to feel. You didn't want to suffer anymore. He has put you through so much suffering you just wanted it all to be over. Even if you did survive, you had no family and nowhere to go. But at the same time, if he kills you, he wins. It's what he wants. And you didn't want him to win. You tried desperately to escape, but you knew it was no use. You guessed this was it. Your life began to flash before your eyes. All your hopes, dreams, accomplishments...........it was all for nothing. This awful man ruined it all. A tear slid down your face.

"I hope someone finds you and shoves you in one of those ovens so you can see how it feels.........." You finally blurt out as he puts his finger on the trigger. You close your eyes and braced for the end.

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