Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Food?" He asked, getting comfortable in the passenger seat.

"Didn't fill up on nachos?" We did share them, and I could definitely eat again, we didn't really have anything better to do either and taking him back to the house now would be too risky.

"Those were freaking tasty, I wonder if you can get a lifetime supply, and their cheese is always better than homemade cheese, you know?"

"I can't say I've ever made a cheese sauce," I answered, honestly.

"You never have a random craving for nacho cheese at 2 o'clock in the morning?" He asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

"How dare I baby, my bad, guess I'm not normal like you," I chuckled, taking his hand in mine, not liking the lack of contact.

He linked his fingers with mine happily, holding his drink tighter with his one hand so he wouldn't drop it.

"You should try it some time, that with a good horror movie to keep you up at night, and you're living your best life," he nodded in confirmation.

"Maybe we can do that together some time then," I suggested and he hummed in agreement, finishing off the rest of his slush puppy very noisily, as he slurped up every last remaining drop he could get out of the container.

"So, is this our date, dinner and a movie?" I asked, starting the car up once again.

"Cliché, I know, but it seems like the tamest option right now, and for a last-minute thing, we'll plan something better next time but I'm quite happy with this for now, and I'm holding my hopes for tonight, trust me, this will be the best date ever."

Am I taking him on a date or is he taking me? I guess it didn't really matter, I was just glad to find out that he's happy with this, and I am definitely enjoying myself.

"You can say that again, I can't wait to show you off as mine."

"I'm already yours."

"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes, reversing the car out of the parking space and towards a nearby restaurant that I knew would satiate my mate's hunger.

Laken talked the whole way there, about anything and everything he could think of, and I really enjoyed just hearing his voice, making sure to take in every word he was saying while also paying attention to the road.

And by the time we pulled up in front of the restaurant, Laken had made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, with his knees resting against the dashboard, slouched in his seat.

"You know that's dangerous, right?" I asked, thankful we weren't driving that fast and we weren't too far away from our destination.

"Danger is my middle name," he grinned, taking off his seat belt and eyeing up the restaurant in front of us.

"What is your middle name?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"God knows," he shrugged, "Probably danger," Laken nodded to himself with a chuckle, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"What's yours? Handsome? Sexy? Smith?"

"Smith?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a common name," he shrugged.

"Middle names are a human thing; my people just call me Alpha," I winked.

"Should I call you Alpha?" He asked, he had that look in his eyes again, that dangerous one that reeled me in closer, he was teasing again, and we hadn't even gotten out of the car yet.

"I think it makes it quite special that you can call me whatever you want when everyone else has to call me Alpha, other than humans of course, who just call me Damon."

I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz