Hello Sunset

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"Don't you find it weird?"

"Find what weird?"

"How Prince Vincenzo is so sure that his uncle is innocent?"

At the West Tower of the Palace, sat three secret agents in the meeting room, eating Chinese takeout for lunch. The staff food today was fish and chips, but they weren't up for it. They decided to opt for delivery but, of course it was indeed a tedious procedure to have food delivered to the Palace.

Firstly, the deliveryman would have to go through security checks. Then, the food delivered will be sent for a round of sniffing by a group of specially trained dogs that would be able to detect any sorts of poisonous substances. Afterwards, it will be sent into the kitchen to be plated before it eventually reaches them.

In order to skip all that hassle, Hanseo had actually sneaked out through a secret passageway to retrieve the goods. The passageway is only known to the King, the Queen, the secret agents, and the security team. Usually, they will use that passageway to either escape or hide. However, Hanseo took one for the team and used it to buy some Chinese takeout without having to go through the front gate.

That's how the three of them ended up eating takeout for lunch.

"Didn't Chief Q said something about them being close? You know, before Claudio was kicked out of the country." Hanseo questioned.

"That's right." Miri, who was the most well versed at the subject, answered. "Prince Vin and Claudio were very close. Prince Vin was literally raised by Claudio. His parents have always been too busy with preparing Prince Val to be a suitable candidate for the throne that they decided to forego their parenting responsibilities with Prince Vin."

Chayoung who was busy picking at her food, immediately perked up at the mention of her client's backstory. She has always been the one who was the most up to date with what the Prince did from time to time. However, she has never heard of the stories that tell of the Prince's life before she met him.

"With no parental care and love, he simply spent his days in the shadow of his parents and older brother. He didn't talk much, laughed when necessary and always slept in early. His Uncle pitied him and decided to take over his brother's responsibility and acted as a father figure for Prince Vin. They did almost everything together."

"Did Claudio not have his own family?" Hanseo asked.

Shaking her head, she popped a chicken into her mouth before continuing, "He didn't, but he did get outed for having a secret lover. That same secret lover was 8 months pregnant with their child and his secret was exposed 2 years into his coronation as King."

"Oh god," Hanseo exclaimed dramatically. "I remember now. Claudio was a suspected murderer."

"Yes." Miri confirmed his suspicions. "He murdered her. His secret lover named Moon Gyu-won."

"Was that why he was kicked out of the country and got his title ripped?" Chayoung's voice finally entered the conversation.

"Sadly." Miri sighed. "Ever since then, the young prince has never been the same."

The wound on both of his knees were like cuts of betrayal. To know, that once again, he out of all the Royals in the Palace, was targeted, felt as if the knife that was already stabbed into him was slowly turning a full circle. It was still red and the area around it was starting to bruise. Vincenzo couldn't help but stare at it as his mind boggled around, wondering why this was happening to him.

"Areum," He called out to his new companion that was lying on his lap. Vincenzo had decided to call her 'Areum' which means beautiful in Korean. He had no reason for choosing that name. It just stuck on naturally. "Why do you think Uncle is doing this to me? Is it because he's trying to safe me first or he found out about my nightlife activities and got mad about it?"

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