The Second Child

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"Picking a fight with an innocent civilian, making out with random girls in the club, threatening to expose your identity, oh and let's not forget, sneaking out of the palace..."

Vincenzo flipped through the pages of this month's Royal Newsletter as his secretary gave a run down on what happened last night.

"Is there anything else that I'm missing out on, Prince?"

"Oh yeah," Vincenzo lowered his magazine for a moment. "...celebrating my birthday at a club without the King's and Queen's permission. Wow, I really broke so many rules on my 23rd birthday. I'm proud of myself."

"Proud?" His secretary, Mr Nam, expressed in distress. "Prince Vincenzo, if the King and Queen were to find out about this, you won't live to see your 24th birthday!"

Vincenzo nodded nonchalantly.

He spotted his picture in the newsletter and instantly let out a chuckle.

It was a picture of him at the King's birthday last month. The theme for the King's birthday was Circus. Vincenzo decided to steal the spotlight and came to the party wearing a clown suit. He went around the party on that day pulling pranks and pushing his father's buttons.

Well, he got a real good scolding for that though, but he enjoyed it, so the scolding was worth it.

"But are they going to find out, Mr Nam?" Vincenzo dog-folded the page before closing the magazine and setting it aside. He crossed his legs and arms while looking up with an innocent smile. "I'm pretty sure you've taken care of everything, right?"

Mr Nam shifted under Vincenzo's stare. His eyes looked everywhere but at the young prince. Vincenzo who has started to frown at his suspicious behavior became increasingly nervous. "You did take care of it, right?"

"I did." Mr Nam admitted. "...but, I was stopped before I could destroy the evidence."

"Stopped by who?"

"The Secret Agents of Jipuragi, I'm placing my family's life in your hands."

In the South tower of the Geumga palace, a secret emergency meeting was currently in session. Present at the table was the King and Queen and also the Secret Agents of Jipuragi from Division A. 4 of them including their Chief, sat alongside the long table as the King and Queen addressed the emergency meeting.

"At 0705 hours today, a letter was found near the entrance of the Palace's driveway that contained a very alarming message. It was addressed to the Royal Family, specifically, me, King Cassano Ricci and signed off by the former King of Geumga, Mr Claudio Ricci."

King Cassano ordered for his Secretary, Mr Lee, to enter the room. Mr Lee held up a brown manila envelope, allowing it to be viewed easily by the Secret Agents. "Mr Lee, open it and read it out loud, please."

Mr Lee did as he said and read out the contents of the letter.

"To the Royal Family and my dearest brother, Cassano Ricci.

It's a pity that I am not able to greet all of you face to face. As I have been banned from entering the lands of Geumga, appearing infront of my dear family that I've missed oh so dearly, would feel like a fever dream.

Will that stop me from meeting you guys soon?

I doubt so.

I hope you are enjoying your time on the throne Cassano. Hasn't it always been your dream to rule the country?

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