The Fox and The Pigeon

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Today marks the 23rd year of Vincenzo Cassano.

He was born to a pair of Royals and became the best of friend to a prince who was also his brother. He spent his days happily, always surrounded with wealth and toys. Not once did he have to worry about not being able to have his favorite dish nor did he have to worry about the TV going out from bad connection.

He really had everything.

After years of getting things handed to him on a golden platter, he became greedy. He wanted more. Every time the Sun would rise, he would look at his golden platter of the day with excitement. Filled with things only one could dream of, he looked up to his Royal secretary and asked for "More".

It became a wonder to him.

What was he seeking out for?

What did he wanted the most that not even the fullest of platter could please him?

He really had no idea.

Then came a day where he felt as if the world had turned their backs against him. A day so painful, it became a fuel for him to rebel against the people who caused him so much pain. The moment that became a turning point for him.

Prince Vincenzo who was used to be seen as the less talkative, well-behaved shadow of his older brother, Valentino Cassano, became not only a shame but a disappointment to the Royal Family.

However, is it really his fault?

For a child who learned the art of finding joy and comfort in inanimate objects, he was blinded by the fact that he lacked the love of a human being.

He turned to alcohol, clubs and people who the Royal Family would call a disgrace. He picked up smoking, drove a car with no license under his name and broke laws. Even though all the actions that he did above caused nothing but damage to his relationship with his family, he still continued on to cause chaos.

Because that's the only way, they would even bat an eyelash at him.

Well, when you're not the first-in-line for the throne in this Royal Family, you're pretty much invisible.

"Pigeon is leaving the food bank."

"Roger that."

In a dark alley that stretches down a row of blocks, a young lady who was dressed in all black was crouching down at the entrance.

Secret Agent T was on a very important duty tonight. It was the "Save the Second Prince of The Cassano Family from Harming the Royal Family's Name" mission. From the start of her career as a secret agent till now, Secret Agent T has carried out a total of 3 tasks for the Royal Family. All of them was of the same agenda.

Stop Prince Vincenzo.

Agent T hid herself behind a green and black rubbish bin, inching closer despite the pungent smell that it emitted . Swiftly pressing on the zoom button of her smart glasses, she focused on the entrance of the club, anticipating the departure of the pigeon from the food bank.

A few minutes passed and there was still no pigeon.

"Fox to Deer, Pigeon is not flying."

"Deer to Fox. We have a situation."

"Fox to Deer, details."

The four walls that contained the souls of the night, rumbled as the loud music boomed through the sound systems. Everyone was cheering, laughing and simply having the time of their life on the dance floor. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and thrill until a fight broke out, catching everyone's attention.

"You want me to believe that?" Vincenzo pushed the guy's body straight into the wall. "You've been eyeing her from the moment we arrived."

"Dude, enough-" Junwoo, his best friend and also the Duke of Babel, tried to intervene between the two.

"Let it go. we're here to celebrate you not to involve ourselves with scums." Junwoo side eyed the guy. He was so close to ripping them apart when Vincenzo pushed him away forcefully, causing Junwoo to stumble back from the two.

Vin adjusted his grip on the guy's collar, holding him tightly against the wall. Giving him the deadliest of stares he could muster, Vincenzo asked, "Do you even know who I am?"

The guy simply chuckled. "How would anyone know if you keep hiding behind a mask...Who do you think you are? The Phantom of The Opera?"

Vincenzo who had made a deal with the Royals, had to conceal his identity by wearing masks whenever he goes out at night. After his 3nd consecutive time of getting his face plastered on the front page of the morning paper, the Royal family realized that they needed to work something out. At first, it was a clean cut "Stop going to clubs or face the wrath of your consequences."

However, Vincenzo wasn't one who would settle very easily. Especially when he wins nothing out of the situation. Due to his persistence and greed to win, they finally made a win-win deal. Prince Vincenzo can only head to clubs if he agrees to hide his identity. It's up to him on how he wants to mask his identity. As long as no one knows that he is the Prince, any disguise is appropriate.

"Is that supposed to be a joke?"

"Anything related to you should be a joke. I wouldn't expect less..." The guy inched closer to his face. "Prince."

At that moment, the water sprinklers came on.

Screams filled the club as everyone attempted to escape the four walls. The blaring sounds of the fire alarm boomed through the club, alerting everyone of an emergency. People started running out, trying to keep themselves dry by covering their bodies with their coats and hats.

Prince Vincenzo loosened his grip on the man, equally flustered by the sudden change of events.

A group of firefighters ran into the club, as if they knew that a fire was going to break out tonight. As if it was already rehearsed, they headed towards the room that a fire had broken out in and started to roll out their equipment.

The guy that Vincenzo was loosely holding onto, pushed his hand away, successfully escaping from his grip. Vin hissed under his breath when he noticed that he had ran off. However, before he could even think about running after him, he got distracted.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see a very familiar figure.

A figure that has been following him for the past few days.

Although there were several others who donned the same firefighting uniform as said person, it wasn't hard to pick them apart from the others. The figure had a petite frame and their moves were often feminine yet sharp. He had listed down a bunch of people in his head when he first noticed this figure hovering over his daily life.

However, none of them fit the description above.

"Just who the hell are you..."

The Golden Dynasty | vincenzo x chayoungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें