kol / arden canons

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thank you for reaching the end! c: here are some kol/arden canons (and some yvo and blaise, too!) i wasn't able to write:

kol: my girl and i don't argue she tell me to shut up and i do

(at the double date dinner)
blaise: SO, arden—
arden: YES, blaise—

(before kol proposed)
kol: i would like to propose—
arden: yes, i will marry you
kol: ...a fucking idea—
arden: well that idea better be to propose to me

arden: sssfhskfhskf
yvo: what the fuck is that
arden: a keyboard smash
yvo: how do i fucking do it
arden: press anything lol
yvo: 6

arden: wanna hear something dirty
kol: fuck yeah
arden: the dishes
arden: go do them

kol: describe yourself in one word
arden: yours
kol, in tears: disgusting
kol: say it again

blaise: apologize to kol
blaise: APOLOGIZE to kol
yvo: fine
yvo, to kol: unfuck you or whatever

kol: doll can u hold this for me
arden: that's just your hand
kol: yeah

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