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Nightmare POV

I had almost made it half way towards the SMP with the help of my wings that I usually have tucked under my coat and rockets that I made. "I'm ready or not. Here. I COME"

I was now about to make it into a desert biome until I saw a Ghost teleport in-front of me.

It was Dream's Ghost.
"Why are you going over there?" Dream's Ghost said he looked different to say the least. He isn't wearing that damn mask but instead is wearing a dark green cloak that covers his face and body. He also seemed to be wearing more protective armor under the cloak.

"Why does it matter to you Dream?" I asked in a teasing manner.
"My names no longer Dream, that name was resonated with a terrible person, My name is now Dread." Now Dread said to me. "Dread huh? That's a unique name" I pulled out a Axe similar to Techno's Axe of peace.
"Hmph, enough introductions what the hell are you gonna do to stop me?" I said while laughing demonic at the end.

Dread Didn't respond. He just floated slowly towards me. He then teleported by what looks like an ender pearl.
"hah, run away you pussy!" I yelled at where Dread once was. I then heard another pearl behind me.
No one was there. I then heard another one, no one was there as well.
"The hell are you planning?" i said while trying to listen for other noises.
I was then surprised when I saw Dread above me while swinging his axe at my head.
I summoned a shield but barely blocked It. It knocked me down to the ground which was 200 feet below where me and Dread where and It destroyed my shield.

'Damn I wasn't expecting him to be strategic. Expect the unexpected huh?'

I wasn't expecting the heavy knockback but I was able tp recover and trying my best to hit Dread while blocking his strikes with another shield I summoned.

Dread POV

I had figured out that I was a ghost the whole time when I saw I was passing thought the Trees and leaves.
'Not shocking I guess.
I was probably gonna kill myself anyway if I was alive.'

I then got an eery vibe all of a sudden. I was then in another place I was in a different snow biome.
I then saw in the distance some guy flying towards somewhere.
He gave me an evil feeling and I wasn't a fan of it.

I then remembered this path, my eyes widened as I remembered this is heading straight towards where Tommy and Tubbo are... L'manberg.
I wasn't gonna let him do anything to them.
I may not know the two Young teens very well but from what I can remember from... the bad memories... those two have a bright mind and are quite young.

I stopped the man.
"Why are you going over there?" I asked. "Why does it matter to you Dream?" I was surprised he knew my name.
'I never said my name? How?' I shook away those thoughts and focused on the person infront of me. 'Was I that ass of a person that people who I don't know recognize me?' I didn't want to be known as any of this.'

"My names no longer Dream, that name was resonated with a terrible person. My name is now Dread." I choose my name to be Dread because I dreaded my own life, what I could do next as the Monster I so am, I just wanted to be away from everybody so I don't hurt them.

I just floated to the man, as I did I started to get flash backs of me and him.
I saw that alive me was laying in some type of black area it was almost like a void. The same person I was floating towards was standing over me.
"Why do you do this Nightmare?" .
After me saying that in my memory I remembered all the pain that Nightmare caused to me and other people.
I wanted to tear his brains out right now but I don't know much about what he can do in combat other than fly and summon an axe.

I then turned invisible since I'm a ghost, I then found out I can create ender pearls and the sounds of ender pearls.
I used the sounds to distract him from knowing where I was.

I flew as high as I could then started going down towards Nightmare.
I summoned an axe and I was readying when I saw Nightmare.
I was closing in and then I was right above him.
I swung at his head but he miraculously blocked it.

While nightmare was distracted from the ender pearl noises I threw one far towards Tommy's house to warn them.

I found a stone hut and a Sign that said "Tommy's house" I entered trying to look for him."Tommy where are you?" No response. I was now panicking a bit. I teleported between flying  and trying to hit Nightmare with my axe. It took a lot of my energy to continue doing this but I kept going.

Just before I found tubbo's house, I flew high then down really fast, I came up from nightmare's legs and I swung my axe.
He blocked it but it was expected. I was able to knock him off balance and send him far from where Tubbo's place is.

I left and ran into Tubbo's house. "Tommy? Tubbo? Where are you two!?" I yelled trying to find them. "D-Dream!" I heard a voice say. I then looked to my left and saw Tommy, Tubbo, and somebody else who I don't remember. "D-D-Dream" Tubbo said. He started running to me and hugger me crying. "Hey, Hey I'm okay... I need you and Tommy and him." I pointed to the enderman hybrid. "To get out of here. Someone Is coming here to harm you both. You need to get away from here." I said

"What do you mean?" Tommy said, "Its complicated but you really have to go and warn everybody, you'll probably die if you don't." I said as I saw Nightmare enter the house.

"What a Nice gathering we have huh?"

All alone... (Crossover Story)///Discontinued///Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora