Entry Nine

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Dear Diary,
Tane didn't come to school today, I didn't know why. I thought his mum would have let him go to school, I saw Sky before school and I asked if she knew where Tane was. She said that he had disapeared. My heart shattered and millions of thoughts rush through my mind, he's okay. Nothing has happened. But what if something has happened. No, he's fine. Tane just needs time to cool off. Sky said that I should go to school to see of he was there, I nodded and quickly went to school. I looked everywhere for him, during classes I hoped he would show up but he never did. Diary, I'm scared. What if something or someone has hurt him? I could never live with myself, his last memory of me would be me avoiding him. I got home and started to cry telling Megan this, she told me he will be fine. I tried to believe that, but at the moment I have doubt that he is.

Dear Diary,
I woke up earily and jumped out of my window, I didn't want to go to school today, I didn't want to be near anyone today. I had a sketch book and pencils, I was going to go to the old barn to draw. I hadn't been there since I was six, I'm eighteen now. I was greeted by a very kind white cat, he sat with me the whole time I had been drawing. Purring like a motor, loud and never ending. I drew him first, and called him Motor, I think he liked it. Then I drew random things around me, I filled the whole book with these drawings. They are sitting on my desk at the moment. I got home when school would have ended, mum and dad were apparently 'worried sick'. I didn't believe it, they are still angry I punched someone. Sky was worried sick though, she started to cry when she saw me and I hugged her. Sky told me when she had calmed down that Opal was wondering where I was, and that she looked very upset when Sky had told her that I was missing. I will apoliguse to Opal tomorrow.

Dear Diary...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt