Chapter 5 - No Abu No Conflict

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Before we get into this one, name references No Game No Life, No Abu No Conflict implies without Abu, I will stop killing. unless you have the brain capacity of a Carrot you may realise that this mini series is coming to an end ;-; dont worry, i have some more content planned. maybe 3 more chapters worth!! but imma have to take a break after this one. 

however this story is nearly finished im going to share it after this chapter is done.

I run out of the harbour, looking for the crowd to blend into. I need to get some new clothes and wash my self because I'm dripping in blood,

Sayori: "Hmmm, There's the crowd, follow them."

Hillander: "If we can find some place to hide and get Abu's location WE can avenge the bread cult and destroy the baguette cult of their sins."

hmmm, good plan. I mean, I came up with most of it first so my idea now.

I follow the crowd and find a coffee shop that looks to have been abandoned through the midst of the chaos. The WiFi will still be active so I can get Abu's location quickly.

I get in, sit down and open discord. 

Whilst it loads I may as well hop out back and steal a uniform and clean myself up a bit.

I hop back behind the counter where a crouching women is crying, She's probably been here all this time.

I go back to the coffee machines when,

Owner: "Wait. Are you trying to steal from me during this chaos?"

hmm, surprising, she has decent English for someone who lives in a land which has a primarily speaking rate of Danish. 

Hyber: "No, I'm not... I'm here to get my parent's blood off me. Do you have a spare change of clothes?"

Owner: "BLOOD?! What happened? Is that why everyone is running???"

Hyber: "Yeah, Please... I need your help"

She crawls over to me and points to a coat rack with fresh sets of uniforms equipped.

I take one and put it on.

I run back to get Abu's location.

Hyber: "Abu, Abu. Wanna see a meme?"


jesus christ, this is why I'm killing these people, they just laugh at children being squashed. I mean, i laughed too bur cmon.

Killing my friends cuz they annoy me.Where stories live. Discover now