Chapter 3 - Hillander: The Bullet He Saw That Day

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now before we start this one, trivia time, this chapter was named after Annohana: The Flower We Saw That Day. extremely sad anime, now this anime is sad but so is re zero and i see this fan fic going in that kind of direction. so I will attempt to try and actually make this one a bit like re zero, get ready for some trauma guys!!!


I jump over the corpse of the previously not so nice officer but now nice officer again, and barge out of the door. screaming still audible. I turn around to see Sayori's mother holding her hands, blood dripping from them. Seems like she is struggling to cope. Doesn't matter to me though, I did what I came here to do and that's that. I run out the door with the gun in tow.

I run out the building, already I hear sirens, already I see red and blue. They are really quick here. Guess it's because I'm in a city. Makes sense.

I see shrubbery in the distance, so, I sprint over as fast as I can and dive into it.

I made it just in time as police swerve around the road into the parking lot. They rush out of their cars and put a hand to their holsters. They really intend to kill me, don't they? 

Well, the previously not so nice officer but now nice officer again allowed me to make it this far by telling me to run quickly. Anyway. I should get away from here. Wash my hands. Wash my face. Find Hillander and make sure he never wakes up.

So that's what I do, I got past the shrubbery and run down the road. And when I turn around for one last time, the apartment is almost out of view. But I see police rushing out, making phone calls to get the ambulance I would assume, or back up. Either way it's bad news. Others are puking after seeing their fellow officer and a girl dead on the ground. Whilst I run. I should get to the closest restaurant. And wash my hands quick.

I look around and see a KFC in the distance. So i make a break for it. police start driving around from behind the KFC. Looks like they called in back up. I jump to the side and drop to the ground before they can see me. 

They drive past.

I get up, running quicker than what I had assumed i was capable of running. AND, I reach the KFC. slam the door open and rush to the bath room, But... I don't see it. Oh wait, they call it a restroom here. RIIIIIIGGGHHHHHTTTTTTT Makes sense. 

I see it. I jump in, and look myself in the mirror. Blood is splattered all over my face. My hands are dyed red. It was hard to look at. What had I become??? A monster? I see why that women looked at me with such fear. With such... unbridled horror. 

I turn the tap and wash my face, my arms and my hands. 

I walk out and take a slow walk to the nearest coffee shop. I'll use their WiFi to IP track Hillander and Kill him too. 

I see a coffee shop nearby. I walk in, set down my laptop and open discord.

Hillander was offline, Let's change that.

ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, pin-

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