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(Max's P.O.V.)
I walked through the hallways to my first class. Thats when someone bumped into me. I turned to the person and saw the girl I was supposed to talk to and find out some information about her father. "Im so sorry" she said sweetly before bending down to pick up her books.

 "Im so sorry" she said sweetly before bending down to pick up her books

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I squatted down and helped her gather her books from the floor. "No worries, Love" I told her and smiled at her. She blushed and looked down to her hands when I called her love. I stood back up and held my hand out for her to take. She took it and I pulled her up to her feet. "My name is Olivia" she responded. I smiled "name's Maximillian". "Nice to meet you Maximillian" she said extending her hand. I shook her "nice meeting you to Olivia". The schoolbell rang indicating that the students should go to class. "Can I walk you to class?" I asked her. Once again she blushed before agreeing to let me walk her to class. I walked next to her as we walked to class. We arrived and I opened the door for her and followed her inside. Everyone was loudly talking and gossiping to eachother. As soon as I stepped a foot into the room it went deathly silent. I looked up to see a bunch of kids my age stare at me and Olivia. I walked towards an empty desk and chair in the back and sat down while the rest started to continue gossiping and talking with eachother. Olivia sat down next to me. "Quiet down, people" a teacher said walking into the loud classroom. He put his briefcase down on his desk before turning to the chalkboard. "For those of you that dont know. My name is Mr Abagnale" he said writing his name on the board before turning around "thats Abagnale. Not Abagnahlee. Not Abagnaylee but Abagnale". Every student stopped talking and looked over at the teacher. "Now somebody please tell me where you left off in your textbooks" Mr Abagnale asked as he walked through the rows of desks that where placed perfectly behind each other. "Excuse me, people, if I need to ask again. I'm going to write up the entire class. Take your seats!" he snapped and everybody immediatly went to their seats. "Chapter 7" a red head girl answered Mr Abagnale's question. He nodded as he flipped through his textbook. "Will you please open your textbook to, uh, chapter 8 and we'll get started" he said moving back over to the chalkboard. I opened up my textbook and flipped through it towards chapter 8. Mr Abagnale continued to teaching his boring lesson. "Alright. Ms Connors when did the Second Boer War start?" Mr Abagnale asked Olivia. I looked over at her. By her face I could tell she didnt know the answer to his question. "11th of october 1899" I said out loud getting the uncomfortable tension from Olivia. Mr Abagnale turned to me with an agitated look. "Well thank you Ms Connors" he said making everyone laugh. "You're welcome" I replied back. "Very well. When did it end?" He asked testing me. "31st of may 1902" I answered back, "I'm good with dates and numbers" I told him and gave Olivia a quick glance. "Really? Lets see how good you are" he challenged me. I nodded agreeing to his challenge. "Battle of Hastings?". "1066". "Arrival of the black death in England?", "1346" I answered, "how many people died?" Mr Abagnale asked. "over a quarter of the population are believed to have died". "William Shakespeare was born in the year?". "1546". I could see his frustration build up. "Battle of Waterloo". "18th of june 1815". "Ha it happened on june 19" he yelled before turning around with a smirk. "Actually it was june 18" I replied back without much emotion. His jaw clenched before he walked over towards a bookshelf grabbing another history book. He flipped through it as everyone waited. Then he smacked the book shut and annoyingly put the book back on the shelf. "Guessing by your annoyed expression I was right on the date" I said and smirked at him. Everybody laughed or chuckled at my statement. Olivia smiled and again looked down at her hands. "Out!" Mr Abagnale growled and pointed at the door. I chuckled but stood up and gathered my stuff before walking out the classroom.

After some other classes without Olivia it was finally time for lunch. I sat down on a bench and looked out over the field at some guys playing football (soccer). Soon I saw Olivia spot me from across the field and walk over to me. I showed a smile as she came closer to me. Suddenly a group of three lads surround me. Two of them sat down beside me on the bench while the other one stood behind us. I ignored them and looked at Olivia who looked scared. I shook my head not to come closer and she nodded. I did it because she doesnt need to know that Im a Blinder, especially that I'm a Shelby. "You're the new kid" the blond to my left said, "what do you want?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "He's messing with you" his friend to my right told the blond. "Lets cut to the point lads" I sighed not amused, "what game are you in? Bullying? protection? Shakedowns? You got a monopoly or do you divide the market?". The blond looked absolutely clueless. But soon the look on his face changed into anger. I looked down to his hand that went into a fist and I smirked at him. "Try it" I said challenging him to hit me. I quickly ducked when he swung his fist at me. He didnt hit me but instead hit his friend straight in the nose, breaking it. While that happened I slammed my elbow back into the stomach of the third boy behind us. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around. My ears ringed after I got punched in the side of the head. I shook my head before continueing our fight. I was fast to punch the two men out cold. I quickly turned to the first boy and grabbed his neck before slamming him into a tree next to us. I stepped forward and leaned my face close to his. "Let me tell you something. You picked on the wrong new kid. Cause Im a fucking Shelby" I sneered at him. His face went pale with fear and I chuckled in responce. "But dont worry. Im the Shelby that gives second chances" I whispered to him, "so I suggest you and your buddies stay the fuck away from me". He stayed silent. "Am I understood" I growled at him. "Y. Yes" he stuttered. "Good" I said letting him go and smacking his cheek. I let him go and turned around before walking away. "Put some ice on it boys" I said stepping over the lads who had woken up from unconciousness. I walked over towards Olivia who looked concerned. "You okay?" Olivia asked lifting her hand up to my face expecting some of the bruises and cuts. "I'll be fine. They on the otherhand not so much" I said looking back at the guys who wanted to fight me. She laughed a beautifull laugh before taking my hand and pulling me with her to our next class together. In my head I smirked that she was easy. But I also felt guilt start to form in my heart because I was only talking to her because I needed her. I quickly pushed it down cause I shouldnt care, I dont care. But it's hard because she is so sweet.

Published: 11th of September 2021

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