After he finished speaking, he walked up to Shen Junyi and demonstrated Zhao Yu's interaction with him just now, "Here is a little closer, optimistic about the distance of this face-to-face killing, and then lowers his hand, assuming he has a tie here, like this. Junyi Lower your head, what is the theme of this song, ko, right, you have to show that a woman feels like a man with a charm, then push it, throw a beautiful look, and then turn around happily."

It is worthy of being a teacher. When he performed such a performance, the dance mood immediately became fuller. The two are very serious about the stage. Since the teacher pointed out the problem, it is natural to correct it. According to Mr. Ak's suggestion, the two have adjusted the interactive part of the whole song "intimately and affectionately".

Until the evening, the whole dance was re-arranged, and the rest was emotional practice.

Before leaving, Ak did not forget to confess that "Dancing is the same as acting, and both require acting skills, and emotions are also the most important part of dance. Both acting skills are quite good, and one-half of it is enough for dancing."

Shen Junyi accurately grasped the point, "He praised my acting skills."

Zhao Yu glanced at him speechlessly, "Practice."

After the adaptation of the dance, a lot of body interaction and eye contact were added. For accuracy, Zhao Yu also asked his assistant to find a tie and hang it on Shen Junyi's t-shirt to facilitate rehearsal.

Good-looking people look good no matter what they wear, even if it’s a wonderful combination of T-shirts and ties, putting on Shen Junyi, there is also a sense of unruly handsome.

Zhao Yu thought about Mr. Ak’s suggestion. The charming and dangerous look in her eyes was actually quite similar to her previous filming of "The Cage." In "The Cage", the witch is actually using her charm to kill.

Musical drums filled the entire space, and the moment the beat paused, the witch stepped forward and grabbed the tie of the prey.

She curled her lips and smiled, and her smile seemed to stretch out from the corners of her mouth, and enchanting flowers bloomed on the branches.

The prey had to bow his head, as if being tempted by her, bowed his head inch by inch. The sense of distance lost its effect at this moment, as if lower, he could kiss her smiling lips.

Those eyes were charming and dangerous, but frenzied but sober, and just before he fell into madness, they pushed him away mercilessly.

When the neckline became loose, she let it go. The air rushed into the previously imprisoned space, leaving only the lingering fragrance that had not disappeared after the enchanting flower bulbs bloomed, and she even looked chic from her back.

For a moment, Shen Jun deliberately forgot that he was rehearsing.

He often heard people say how charming the human fairy is on the stage, she was born for the stage, and no one resisted her fascinating charm when dancing.

Shen Junyi feels that these people are really playing rainbow farts now. What kind of awkward children can he not know?

Only at this moment did I understand what it means to be seduced by the soul.

Zhao Yu turned around and said, "Your eyes are wrong, you didn't enter the scene, do it again."

So over and over again, he felt the emotion of being about to sink and being forced to be sober, the enchanting flowers bloomed in front of his eyes over and over again, becoming more and more colorful, and in the end, the fragrance was so thick that it turned into a light yarn to wrap him around.

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