Chapter 13

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Being back on the ground and reuniting felt like heaven on Earth. It was a true miracle to Spacekru to not only find Bellamy alive but with a child as they thrived on the ground! He found this village on his own, surviving for a week before stumbling upon Shallow Valley. The very place he found Madi. She was small, frail, and thin. But with time not only did Bellamy gain her trust, but her heart. She knew later with time that he wasn't her real father, but she insisted o referring to him as such anyway. It was difficult at time, but the pair made it through. He made sure to tell Madi bedtime stories and tales of their adventures on the ground when they rode out to Polis every now and then. Its because of this she knew who everyone was. Her dad was infamous at story telling, she could just picture what everyone looked like, and she was right.

Not only did Madi brag about Bellamy's story telling skills, but his craftsmanship as well. As they entered the village everyone was able to see just what Madi had been describing. The village was reworked, the cabins sturdier, the church remodeled, a new meat station was set in place as well as a smoke house and the now renovated old gas station shop turned into a full on storage facility for food and hunting supplies. While the people from the sky may not have known or seen Shallow Valley before Primfaya, Madi and Roan knew full well the extensive work Bellamy had put into changing the village, and it was beyond words. The only thing missing? Was people. 

Bellamy explained as much as he could to everyone as they familiarized themselves with their new home. He tells them of his journey from Becca's lab to Polis, and how the tower collapse on top of the bunker door. With the help of Raven and Monty, Bellamy knew a proper plan could be made to get them out, but for now they're still trapped. The mechanic and engineer look to one another before nodding in agreement, together they could find a solution to free their people once and for all. For the first five and a half years there was radio silence, for both the Ring and the bunker. But by some miracle Octavia was able to respond to one of her brother's calls when he and Madi made a trip to Polis. With the reassembled Radio he found in Arkadia he was able to get into contact with his sisters and the other, inform them of the problem, and that they will have to wait a little longer than originally planned. It is a struggle for them, but they're managing as well as they can. 

Everyone comes to an agreement to make a plan on making a trip to Polis and find a way to free everyone trapped below. But for now, they relax and rest. For the first time in six years there is fresh air in their lungs and proper food in their bellies. Madi and Bellamy set up a fire in the center of the village for everyone to gather around. They sit down on benches around the warm flames as they each roast their own fish and munch on berries and greens. Monty and Harper sit side by side on one bench, next to them are Emori and Murphy. Raven and Roan sit by themselves, hip to hip, with their heads close to one another. Bellamy notices their position and chuckles lowly, arousing the interest of Clarke, the very woman sitting next to him with Madi sprawled out over their laps. Her head rests on Bellamy's lap with her legs dangling over Clarke's.

"I did not see that one coming." He comments. Clarke follows his discreet look before laughing softly. 

"Yeah, you're not the only one. You should have seen the look on Monty and Harper's face the morning after-" She stops to look down at Madi then to Bellamy, an amused glimmer in her eye. It doesn't take a genius to fill in the blanks. And once Bellamy did he had to simmer his laughter from being too loud, and yet he failed. What neither he nor Clark notices was Emori and Murphy had heard their conversation.

"At least you didn't have to be there and listen the entire fucking time." 

"Murphy!" Bellamy scolds, but he knows Madi heard given her endless giggling .

"I'm just saying, there was no sleeping when those two were going at it." 

"John!" Emori slaps him and look down at Maid, her eyes soft and apologetic "Sorry." 

"Its okay." Madi tilts her head and looks between the adults. as she lowers her voice into a whisper. "I don't get it." 

"And you won't. Not for a very long time." Bellamy states firmly, which only results in Madi sitting up stubbornly.

"I'm not baby anymore! I can understand things." 

"Don't remind me." He mutters. Madi rolls her eyes before turning to Clarke, not seeing the pained exasperated expression on her father's face.  Clarke laughs when she sees before smiling down at a very determined Madi.

"You agree, right Clarke? I'm not a baby anymore, dad should tell me stuff." 

"Uh..." Clarke looks up, hesitant, at Bellamy. The very man who's glare she swears can see into the very depths of her soul. His eyes speaking more than his lips could ever say. "Well there are some things he can tell you now and somethings he has to tell you when you're older." He looks happy with that, his gaze softening. Only to harden once more when she mutters. "But there are some thing you can come to me for when you're ready." 

"Clarke!" Bellamy scolds. The young woman laughs a full belly laugh before yelping at the attempted swat coming from Bellamy. Madi jumps in between the pair as a small shield to protect Clarke, her giggling coming to s stop as she play fights with her father. 

"Ha! You can't hurt nomi!" She exclaims, not thinking before she speaks. That is until she feels Clarke stiffens behind her, leaving the child her self to freeze.  "I-I'm sorry."

Clarke smiles and says, "Its okay, don't worry about it." 

"Really?" Clarke gives the little one a nod, letting her know it was truly okay.

 Even if it was a mistake, she's not entirely against the idea. Hearing Madi calling her nomi, considering it could one day come true, brings her back to the conversation she had on the ring with her friends. They asked her one day if she saw herself having kids with Bellamy, if they could start where the left things. And seeing Bellamy now? With Madi? It made her feel as if, maybe, it would all be possible. Madi hugs Clarke tightly at her words, causing the woman's mind to stop the path it was taking. One day at a time, that's how they get there. Just as she thinks this a hand comes to Clarke's shoulder with a quick squeeze causing her to look up and find Roan walking away

"You owe me." He says as he steps further away. Clarke scoffs and stutters as he does.

"Hey! We never made that bet." Roan looks over his shoulder as he pops a berry into his mouth. 

"I was right. You owe me." She flips him the bird as he turns his back, not registering the child next to her until she laughs and points Roans way. Its because of this Clarke's' eyes widen as soon as she realizes what she's just done. They're not on the ring anymore where innocent eyes can watch and imitate everything she does. Quickly Clarke turns to Madi and rushes to say,

"Never do what I just did." Madi laughs more while Bellamy glares softly as his eyes convey the question 'really?' "Sorry." She mouths. Bellamy sighs and rolls his eyes before taking another bite of his fish. But even doing so Clarke knows he's not really upset with her. Even in the dark she can see the slightest up turn of his lips; the famous Bellamy Blake smirk.  

Life on the ground was going to be very different than it was when they left, but maybe this was better. And it could be more so once everyone in the bunker was free. For once there was true peace on Earth, and everyone had the happiness they longed and dreamed for years. And now it was a reality.

The End :)

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed this little story!

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