Chapter 26 | The Sleepover Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" My voice asks hoarsely. Rosalie looks at the boys "why don't you tell us the last thing you remember." "Um, ok, I remember being at school, watching Boss Baby with Tyler, then I went to the diner and-" the memories flood but and my head feels like someone took a jackhammer and had a party with it using a chainsaw as music. "Carl. He was there, I-I remember he-" Rosalie nods slowly.

"How long have I been out?" "Two days." This time it's Dylan who answers. "What?!" I exclaim and regret it almost immediately. I wince, "I gotta go." I try getting out of the bed but the moment I stand I nearly fall again if not for Ethan who catches me last minute.

"Calm down Izzy, look the doc said to stay here until you're well."

"No, she said you can choose to stay here. I understand you're worried about your parents being worried but Ellen called your father, he didn't pick. And your mother, Bella I'm-" "Yea no it's all good yup thanks." I stop her before she reveals my secret.

Her eyes flicker between me and the guys and she draws her lips in a hard line and nods stiffly as if she understands that they don't know. "Whether you stay or not is up to you but please, for your safety I believe this is the best place for you to be right now."

I nod and shoot her a small smile. "Thank you," I say and she nods then shuts the door. I groan and lie back down when five faces block the light "relax guys I'm not dead you can stop worrying now." I say as I close my eyes again

When they don't say anything I look again and see concern etched all over their face. I sit up again and sigh "guys, I'm fine stop acting like there's something wrong with me."

"Bella, you were fucking physically assaulted what do you expect us to be throwing a party?" Tyler snaps.

"No, and thanks for caring but I'm great, I swear. Well, maybe not great but-"

"Why are you downplaying this? How are you so fine with all this? You're acting like what happened is an everyday thing and Izzy it's not. It's so bad Ellen said you could suffer from PTSD."

If I was going to suffer from PTSD I probably would've by now

"Doubtful but okay." I shrug nonchalantly. I couldn't even try to pretend as this affected me because honestly, as sad as it was, getting hit wasn't something that affected me anymore, at least I don't think so.

The group went silent. "Okay" I breathed out "I'm sorry for downplaying this but I kinda saw it coming eventually. Look, I'm fine okay? I am so please stop worrying."

Before they got the chance to protest Henry walked in. "Oh hello Bella, sorry I just got in from work, I wanted to check on you." "I'm sorry you have to see me under these...circumstances..." I nervously said. He tsked. "Nonsense Bella, any family of the boys is family to us." "Bella, the doctor is on the phone, she'd like to know whether you're staying or not," Rosalie spoke before she entered the room.

Going home in this state was not an option, if my father knew I was out two days without coming home I'm surely going to get beat, but if I go now it may be less. Oh, what the hell I'll get hit either way.

"I'd like to stay if that's alright with you." I smiled gently and Rosalie sighed in what seemed to be a relief. "She's staying, alright, mhm, yea, the orange one? I'll go check. Excuse me." She left the room. "You should give her space boys, don't hover around her. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask us. Maria's around as well if you need anything."

The moment the door closed Ethan hollered "yes! She's staying! Sleepover!"

We all looked at him and rolled our eyes. "You guys can stay right?" Dylan directed his question to the girls. "We would but neither of us has clothes here." Tessa made a valid point, I didn't either. Guess I'll have to go home after all. "That's fine, we'll just lend you some stuff," Ethan suggested and the girls agreed.

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