Anticipated scales

Start from the beginning

"Holy mother of-" Darling's exclamation was cut off by his counter weight yanking her back, falling through the railing and down the dusty bank of the Virginia desert, both rolling with each other away from the tracks in a terrifying ordeal of limbs intertwining and body's smashing together.

"-Jesus" Darling cried out as Morgan crushed on top of her when they came to an eventual stop, his strong build slamming on top of her as her head bashed into his chest.

"Holy shit" Morgan struggled to catch his breath, more concerned about the fact he had just landed full weight on top of Darling and quickly rolling off her which was when he realised his hands had automatically wrapped around her waist holding her close to him and bringing her with him so that she was on top of him when they came to a stop, "I'm so sorry!"

"Why do you have to be so god damn buff?!" Darling grumbled, rubbing her head as she sat up off him and saw the last carriage of the train go past, realising what had just happened, "I just fell off a moving train..."

"I'm so sorry, let me see-" Morgan tried to check her for injuries but paused when he saw a hint of a smile on her face as she watched the train go, "I just fell off a moving train."

"You said that" he pointed out, "let me see your-"

She suddenly burst into relieved laughter, "holy shit! I fell off a moving train! I did it!"

"I'm confused" Morgan stared at her, "you're relieved you fell off a train? Was that some kind of weird bucket list thing or something?"

Darling couldn't answer as she pushed herself to her feet with the reality of a realisation, "we've got to catch up to that train, we're never going to make it to work if we don't, our bags are on that train- I left my phone at my seat and-"

"Woah, woah, woah- calm down, take a breath" Morgan couldn't help his confused laugher at her as he got up with a groan from the ache of falling off a literal train and rolling with his best friend onto the hard ground wrapped up around each other's bodies- a feeling that made him oddly want to do it again.

"That train goes on a two hour journey Derek, it won't be back for another three hours at least" Darling explained, suddenly pacing back and forth on the spot, all amusement from before gone now as she looked around at the nothingness surrounding them, "and we're in the middle of nowhere! We have to get running to catch up with the train-"

"Hold on, you want to run after a literal train? I know it was a slow journey but we'll never- aaaand you're already running" he sighed as she started to attempt to sprint after it, calling after her when he saw that she would clearly never make it.

"Darling, come back- let's think about this properly."

"I can make it!" She called back with hope, "I believe in me, if I just-"

After a few moments he saw her come to a stop in the near distance and rest her hands on her knees as she panted, calling back to him when they could both see the train was not even in their sights in the distance anymore, "I don't think I'm going to make it ya know."

Morgan couldn't help his laughter and comfort from her usual humour, walking closer to where she had now sat on the floor in defeat.

"I think you just went through the 5 stages of grief there within a span of 5 minutes."

"I really thought I could catch up with a train" she laughed as he sat next to her, looking over at him and bursting into more laughter at the dirt covering him.

"You're no better missy, you're covered in dirt and- holy shit!" He went to tease back but saw blood on her back, shuffling around to the back of her and lifting her torn shirt to reveal a gash on the side of her back.

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