Chapter 2: Into the Hell of Blazing Fires. The Palace's Residents

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Once again i was waking up, but this time it was over a hard floor

Y/N: Did i pass out again?..

As i tried to get up, i was feeling a light pressure over my arm- well, more like around it

???:"As to answer your question, you did pass out...again" Another voice sounded from my side

A young-looking girl was sitting over some kind of chair, watching me as i tried to get up

???:"Okuu said she found you on the ground, the heat must have gotten into you huh"

Y/N:"And you'd be? Also why is my arm so heavy?.."

The girl sighed and pointed at my arm. What was holding me down was that raven girl who was having a firm grip around my arm

???:"And i would be Satori Komeiji, owner of the Palace of Earth Spirits. You seem to have caught Okuu's attention so i let her bring you in"

I almost immediately appeared at Satori's side, looking down to the sleeping girl

Y/N:"Why did-?"

Satori:"-she do it? She offered herself to try and wake you up using a method on a fairy tale i read to Koishi, of course i didn't let her though so she just laid there to...keep you warm and comfortable i guess...though the first one would be murderer considering we're underground" She took a sip of her cup after

Examining Satori closer, i saw some kind of eye floating around her while being attached to her in some ways

Satori:"Yes i'm a Satori Youkai, thanks for noticing"

Y/N:"That explains how you read minds..."

Reiuji yawned while rubbing her eyes, seemingly waking up

Satori:"Morning Okuu, had a good sleep?" Greeted the Satori Youkai to her friend

Reiuji:"Hmm?..i didn't know i could sleep at all..."

I just stayed out to examine the situation. Being underground by who-knows how many kilometers, inside what seemed to be a palace by strangers who decided to just bring me in...this is something Aya would like to investigate

Reiuji:"Oh he woke up too" Said the raven, having her gaze locked on me

Satori:"I already introduced myself so don't worry about it"

Reiuji got up and walked to her cannon laying on the ground behind her, grabbing and putting it on

Reiuji:"Well then-"

Satori:"The Nuclear Furnace is fine, i see it will take some days to start overheating itself again" Once again she sipped her cup

Y/N: That skill to read minds is amazing...

Reiuji:"So...what next then, master?"

Satori left her cup on the table and walked to the door

Satori:"Bring him to the surface, this is no place for a human to stay at"

Y/N:"I'm not a human though"

She stopped and turned around, seeing me take my wings out

Y/N:"I just hide these, something from my parents"

Satori:"Now i wonder how you got in here..."

Me and Reiuji looked at each other

Satori:"Ah, so it was Okuu and a fire geyser...the rain didn't let you fly either did it?"

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