Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting. Forgotten Place Below Gensokyo

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Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

'word': examples, sarcasm

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts



It was another beautiful day here in Gensokyo, and as every morning i was taking my usual walk through Youkai Mountain...well, my usual flight

Y/N: What did Aya want me to see so badly?..

Oh, did i mention that i'm friends with a 'famous' reporter of fantasy? Well, then there you go, just now i was flying up to her home to see something she needed of me...which thanks to my speed, that wasn't that hard

Aya:"Oh you're here" Exlaimed the Tengu after i entered her house

Y/N:"What was it again?"

Aya:"Remember the former hell? That underground place for unwanted youkai?" While she was talking, she was organizing some papers and looked for something

Y/N:"Yeah, read stories about that place, why?" I asked while she lifted her camera from a chair

Aya:"Well i saw some activity on the underground and i'm going to help Reimu with it, so i need you to be careful when you wander around in case some earth youkai appears...they're usually not too friendly"

She ran to the door and turned around

Aya:"I'll be back soon! Make sure Hatate doesn't get ahead of me!" She said while falling backwards

Y/N:"Sure i though?"


As usual, she had left like a wind breeze without explanation or further detail

Y/N:"Whatever i guess"

I checked some documents she had on the desk, seeing images of many youkai from the underground that i wasn't told of

Y/N:"Hell ravens, Spiders...well this is somehow ironic..."

Now that i have nothing to do...for the day at least, i decided to head to the human village and probably get some books from Suzunaan. Flying off from Aya's house i could see many clouds beginning to appear on the sky all together in once

Y/N:"For today i better walk, i don't want my wings to get wet and make me fall again..." Yes, again, this has happened before and i'm not making the same mistake

With that in mind, i flew to the floor and landed while putting my wings above me to protect me from the rain. The walk would be long, but that's nothing to bother as i had no hurry. By when i was halfway, the rain began heavily falling over the ground as i could feel every hit on my wings

Y/N: God rain sure is strong today, it even is shaking thanks to that...

Yep, the ground was shaking every time stronger, making it seem like an earthquake was happening in Gensokyo

Y/N: Hold on, that's not the rain's fault!

I quickly took a step back as a large fire pillar was shot from the sky infront of me

Y/N:"Woah holy mother of-!" I shouted as i was losing my feet thanks to the gigantic pillar appearing out of nowhere

Not having much time as i was too shocked from the fire object, i stumbled inside the hole made by it, falling at a massive speed through the ground

Nuclear Love [Remastered]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora