Little Troubles ~Part 1~ (Zane & Nang)

Start from the beginning

' Now, explain yourself.' Thor demands, huffing out of breath. Loki, looking up, unapologetic ' Surprise~ Happy April Fool's day!' He grins, with his charmer teeth showing.

Everyone had their face in their hands, including grumbling loudly, while others sighed under their breath. Steve kept his composure and proceeded to ask the pivotal question.

' Can you turn them back to normal?'

The god of mischief's eyes darted across the room, refusing eye contact with the super-soldier. Sweats can be seen on his forehead as he timidly forms words out of his mouth.

' Uh... about that... I kinda forgot?'

Thor moves his hand, threatening to start his torture session again. Loki flustered in fear, trying to defend himself.

' B-B-But! It's been an l-l-long time since I reviewed these magic spells!!! Of course, I would forget after hundreds of years!!!' he stuttered.

Steve stood up so fast. It startled the god who was sitting down. Loki straightens his spine in such a hurry manner. You could even hear each bone popping in one go.



' I'll ask once more, again. Is it reversible or not?' Steve coldly sibilates through his teeth. Narrowing, his eyes towards the god. For a moment, Loki thought he was staring at the All-Father, making him gulp.

' I never said it wasn't.' Loki shifting back to his usual self, ' I only said I had forgotten the spell to reverse it back.' holding his index finger up, defending himself.

Steve pinched his forehead, lost in his thoughts. After he seems to have reached the best course of action, he glances up.

' Fine. We'll let you go and find the reverse spell or something to make things right again.' Loki lights up.

' But! On one condition.'

' What is it?'

Steve picks up a random baby in the room and hands it to Loki.

' You will take care of one of them. We don't want you to go fooling around now, do we?'

Loki hesitantly takes the giggling baby from Steve. He looks at them curiously.

' It's like a reminder for you so you won't trail off, doing unnecessary stuff. Do we have a deal?'

' Uh... Sure. Welp, I'll be on my way!'

He then teleports with his 'foster' baby. Steve turned to his team, arranging what they should do first.

' Well, I guess we'll have to figure which baby is who first. Any guesses yet?'

' I think I have Sam in my hands.' Scott started.

' If you think you have Sam with you, then I guess this is Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes?' Bruce responded, looking at the baby that's now sleeping in his hands.

' Pietro's with me. I recognize his baby picture.' Wanda chimed in.

Just then, one of the brunette-haired babies screamed in excitement when he got to crawl near the hallway. Steve immediately went to pick him up. In response, he squeaked in glee before giggling at the old man. Steve can't help but smile. He hugged the baby close to him, keeping him safe.

' So, this might be Tony or Peter.' Steve list out the possible identity of the infant in his hands.

' Peter is in my hand. I just scanned this baby's DNA.' Vision responded, looking at the brunette in his hands.

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