Beach Day!!! (Zane)

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Art by ExtremeJuvenile on devianart.


Everyone is excited. Finally, FINALLY! They got a day off to go and have fun. And they all decided to go for a classic and fun thing to do in the summer.

Beach Day.

' Gosh, how long has it been since we hit the waves?' Wanda exclaimed. She was packing some food to bring along for lunch break there.

' I know, right? The sea breeze caressing our skin and the picturesque view.' Nat replied, helping Wanda to pack some beverages to bring along. The girls chatted with each other as they pack the supplies since the boys had gone to the store last night to buy them.

' BEACH DAY, BABY!!!' Zane shouted as he jumps into the living room, carrying a backpack of his stuff. The girls just laugh at his antics. Knowing him for years, that is quite normal.

' Anything you want help with? My adrenaline is kicking, so might as well use it.' He offered.

' Sure, get the stuff that's already packed into the car. We're just left with small stuff to pack.' Nang replied. There were two bags filled with tools and two filled with food and beverages. Zane carried two bags in his hands and the other two was floating around him. Those bags were heavy, not gonna lie, but he lifts it like he was carrying feathers in his hands. Must be the perk of being half-Asgardian.

' So, are we going to wear our swimsuits here or when we're at the beach?' you asked the girls.

' Are you crazy? We will wear it there, of course! That is, if you want to make boys' jaws drop to the ground.' Nat said with a smirk.

' I see what you're up to.' You replied. The girls grinned at each other.


' Are you girls really wearing that to the beach? Won't it make you feel hot?' Sam asked. The puzzled look on his face cannot be concealed at all. No wonder he was never sent to an undercover mission.

' Yeah, wearing sports attire at the beach makes you guys look stupid. OW!! What was that for, Old man?!!' Tony said until he was smacked at the back of his head by Steve.

' Just leave them be, Stark. It's their choice.' Steve responded. The girls just smirked while the others had a confused look on their face.

' Do you think there'll be sharks? I love sharks!!' Zane suddenly said from the front seat. Everyone just look at him, some were amused while others just thought of it as a passing thought in his head.

' Uh... I don't think that you would want to encounter one, Zane. They're quite the ferocious kind.' Sam replied.

POV: We're having fun!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora