And that, is how our friendship started...(Zane)

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This is a Highschool AU and Y/n is a male in this story. The art is not mine, credits to the creator. And credits for Nang for helping me out on some parts of this story. Have fun!


Have you ever imagined what being friends with the avengers would feel like? Well, I never thought of it cuz' I know that they would never join our friend group anyways. They're a popular group in our school and everybody, excluding my friend group, at least have a crush on one of them. I don't think it's weird since they're all beautiful people and have interesting personality, but we're just not really that attracted to them. So, we would always ignore them be with our own people.

Me, Nang and Zane have been great friends since middle school and we're inseparable. We share the same passion in having fun and the phrase 'YOLO'. Some schools have teacher's pet and the rebellious kid. We're kinda in between. Having good grades in the subject we love and breaking some rules for the sake of fun. Some says that we are quite problematic, while others envy us for how we choose to live our lives. But what they don't know is the stuff we experience outside of school. I remembered a stranger said to me that we are always inclined to make friends people that are similar to us. He's not wrong though, we are all treated as monsters at 'home', all because we have these stupid mutant genes in our body. We don't even want to be born with it, but they treat us like a pest nevertheless. When we discover each other, we just clicked and stick with each other and last year, we finally got the resolution to leave that hell hole and get an apartment together. We've been supporting each other ever since and we are the only family we have.

' Y/n!! Wake up!!!' A girl's voice woke me up.

I groaned, slamming my hand to my face. I saw Nang just standing at the door frame.

' Come on, sleepyhead!! We have school today!!' she said as she got out.

I quickly got up and head to the bathroom, getting ready for school.


' How did you manage to wake up later than me? On the first day of school too! I thought that I was the only sleeping log in our apartment.' Zane teased. We were making our way to one of the famous high school in the area, The Shield's Academy, where all the special people gathered. Mostly geniuses are here.

' I accidentally turned off my alarm last night.' I replied as I munch into the toast with Nutella spread on it that was prepared by Nang. We are quite lucky to find a place to live near the school.

' That's a weird thing to happen to you, man. Did you have a bad dream or something?' Zane continued. I was stunned and sighed.

' I guess it shows on my face, huh?' I asked.

' Yeah, you look a little pale there, man. You always look like that after a nightmare.' Zane replied. Nang just look at us, mainly me because of what we're discussing. I think about it for a while, looking at my watch.

' I'll tell you about it during lunch.' I huffed out, breathlessly after a few seconds of silence.

' Sure, you guys can go to roof first. I'll grab us some food.' Zane responded, patting my back. I'm glad that I found these understanding people when I did.

POV: We're having fun!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora