Past - First Date

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"Why not choose something with a pencil skirt instead? Women tend to wear those more", I suggested.

Umi's face revealed she was not into the idea. "Pencil skirts are so... shameless." I chuckled at her almost comically exaggerated displeasure.

"Well, try it on then", I egged her on. She hesitated a while longer, before ultimately taking the set to one of the changing rooms. About a minute passed before the curtain swung open again, revealing Umi with a look I could not have imagined her having in my wildest dreams. The way she adjusted the blazer's sleeves and collar with the look of focus I had come to expect from her, made her look so... for lack of a better word, cool. The trousers accentuated that air even further, and much more strongly than a pencil skirt ever could have. Only her tie had been wrapped haphazardly around her neck, whereas the rest of the outfit was toned to perfection. She made no advances to tie it properly.

I gestured at her to turn around and wrapped my arms around her chest. "Wh-what are you doing?!" Umi asked with a tone of shock.

"Relax, I'm just going to fix your tie. I've seen my dad do it plenty of times before." Her shoulders were still tensed and her arms awkwardly raised, but eventually I did manage to tie it. I took a few steps back and observed the complete picture.

"So... what do you think?" Umi inquired, a little out of her element. It was perfect. I was sincerely hoping that the rising temperature of my face didn't bring my cheeks to be tinged with red, even ever so slightly.

"It... it looks good..." I said, barely audibly.

"What was that?" Umi got a little closer in order to hear me better, but I could already feel the blood coursing to my head.

In a panic I covered my face with my arms and said, much louder this time: "I-it looks good! Really good!" I turned away from her and crossed my arms again. "Now change back so that we can pay at the cash register."

"O-okay", Umi stammered. I shot a quick glance behind me and noticed how she was heading back to the changing booth with a noticeable spring to her step. How was she being so adorable, I thought to myself with a silly smile. She may have never danced a waltz before, but she was the type of girl I wouldn't mind teaching.

After two quick exchanges, Umi and I were headed to our next destination, with a two-piece suit and a dress that "complemented my eyes", in tow. Something in the window of the same store caught Umi's eye though. For a while she stared at a particular item, mesmerized: it was a crescent necklace with a deep blue gemstone attached. Such an accessory seemed like the kind of thing that would look good on her, but it seemed like she wanted to observe it from every possible angle first, before making a decision.

I decided to go on ahead a bit further, maybe I'd find something to my liking in the next store over, but Umi stopped me. "Wait!" she said, and so I did. I turned to face the necklace again and observed it a little closer. It really would go well with Umi's marine blue hair, though the price tag was the bearer of particularly bad news. It would take years to collect this amount of money with only my allowance. I imagined Umi would have to save up even longer. "Sorry for the interruption, I just wanted to... take a closer look at this item."

"Is it something that you would like?" I asked.

"S-something like that..." She didn't elaborate and instead just went on ahead. What was going through that girl's mind, I wondered.

Nightfall was already upon us. I did have the tendency to overstay my welcome in the mall and that led to scenarios such as this, where the sun was already setting on this clear spring day. Umi and I hadn't even eaten yet and at this rate, it would be too late to still cook something up, by the time either of us arrived home. I was about to suggest hitting up a nearby burger joint to get a quick dinner, but Umi looked up at the sky and excitedly took hold of my hand.

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