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it has been about a week since they have been back and cassie was sitting in the great hall with her hamster, ed sheeran.

"cassie oml have you seen shae we have french and i can't find her" a,y said stressing



amy ran off while cassie was still sitting, she decided to have a mental health day and not do school work.

"cassie this morning i woke up and shae wasn't there so i went to the spot that we sit at you know?" cassie nodded "yeah i checked there and she wasn't there but on the way back i saw her and she was shagging some guy"

"omg what he built like?"

"he looked like a spaghetti noodle and had like blonde hair?" she replied

cassie didn't know many people but she new this guy he was a hufflepuff that was friends with one of cassie's besties dwayne johnson.

"omg i know who it is"

"omg who is it?"

"omg it's-"

cassie was cut off by professor dumbestdoor, "omg besties what's the tea?"

dumbledor usually did this and cassie hated him for it she also hated him because he basically killed all the marauders but that's another story.

dumbledor stood there in his y2k outfit that bree thought was very cute just not on him.

no one really knew what to do in this situation so they just waited until the bell went and they ran to the gryffindor common room.

"anyways as i was saying the guy is-" she gets cut off again

"hey guys what are you talking about?" harry potter asked fucking nosy bitc-


they went outside instead and hoped no one else would interrupt.

but they saw shae...

in the same place...

kissing the same guy...

"they haven't moved since this morning?" bree said

"that's disgusting"

"anyways i still don't know who it is?"


the foursome at hogwartsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt