Chatper 1 (continued) _Percy's POV

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Continued because I don't want to change the chapters around :)

(I thought it wouldn't be this long)

When we got to Wisconsin, all I could think of was, This is not as impressive as New York

The next thing I thought was, Cheese curds. 

"First priority, Cheese curds," I said. Annabeth looked behind to look at me. 

"First priority is to park the car and ditch it. The second is cheese curds." I pouted but agreed to these terms. It took about a half hour for Grover to find a parking spot and as we ditched the car, I felt some part of myself disappear. I mean, we spent a day in this car, and now I felt as though I was emotionally attached to it. We had been through so much, the milkshake disaster, all of Grover's road rage (you would think he would be calm), and the guy that almost rear ended us to get into the parking spot that we now occupied. I sadly pat the car goodbye and hoisted up my backpack, following Annabeth as she lead us into Milwaukee. 

After ten minutes, we found a restaurant that was open and sold deep fried cheese curds. We immediately bought some and they were gone in a minute. 

It was so good, but tasted so unhealthy, but I mean, iI didn't mind. I would just burn off all the calories when fighting whoever we where supposed to fight. The prophecy only said that we had to help Iris or bad things will happen. I kid you not, it said Help the goddess of rainbows, or bad things will happen. Coming to think of it, this could just be a trick from Apollo, but oh well. After eating two more helpings of cheese curds and feeling constipated, we headed out into the street. By now, it was really dark, at least midnight and I started to get chills. Like the thought that "I might die if -"  type of stuff that freaks you out at nighttime. I just shook my head and followed this time Grover, since he could sense the goddess.

Line break and fast forward of 2 hours.

When we finally found Iris, she already looked halfway drained from her powers, right next to a guy with dark hair and skin that looked luminescent in the moonlight. But, there was something about him that was familiar.

"Tartarus," Iris croaked, but she wasn't looking at Tartarus, or us. She was looking at a pile of four bodies of kids. My breath hitched, seeing as to how two of them looked like Hermes. Demigods. We were late. Tartarus, looking at Annabeth and me, smiled darkly.

"You finally came," Tartarus said. 

"Your going down Tartarus," I said, going to step forward, until Tartarus spoke again, very words that trembled me to the core.

"Annabeth, darling, come." WTH (got to make this part PG :) ) Annabeth walked towards Tartarus as he opened up his arms. I stared at her, my breath hitching up in my throat. What was she doing? Was this a strategic way to fool Tartarus? Or was she really talking to him the whole entire time? What was going on? As Annabeth turned to us on Tartarus's right side, I could see nothing about regret. Why?

"Is there anyone else who will join," Tartarus asked, staring at Grover and I. I kept a straight face, glaring at both Annabeth and Tartarus. Grover shook his head.

"So be it." Hellhounds came from all directions, barreling towards Grover and I. I took out my sword and started to fight them, sadness and fury taking hold of all logic. I slashed out, turning three Hellhounds to dust with one swing. I took hold of the water that was near, rising it to twenty feet and splashing it down, only saving Iris, Grover and I. It used to be Annabeth. Annabeth Annabeth Annabeth. only ten hellhounds out of the hundreds that swarmed died, the others getting back up and running towards us, even angrier than before. As I fought, Grover was cut down from a hellhound, but I couldn't go help him, since I was holding back my own. As the hellhound ripped Grover to shreds, he yelled for me.

"PERCY!" I cried as I kept on fighting, my arms growing weaker and weaker. And then, I heard something, like a dark ping and looked up, even though I shouldn't have. I saw Iris, but it wasn't her. I quickly looked down, fighting hellhounds off, left and right. This Iris had black wings, white translucent skin, red, blood red lips and black hair. She was reborn. Reborn by Tartarus. Di immortals. Then, I heard a scream. I glanced and found a woman watching us, seeing the hellhounds. The mist was broken. Distracted,  my sword fell out of my hands and hellhounds came upon me, trying to scratch me and rip my up. Broken and bleeded, I quickly vapor traveled away, not really caring to were I would go. I ended up only vapor traveling a few miles away, in the middle of lake Michigan. As I sunk to the bottom, feeling nothingness, the numbness of survival and the pain of bloodshed, I screamed, crying out with sadness, anger, betrayal, hurt, fury, pain, and more. Annabeth, Grover, and my past self were now gone, leaving nothing but a trail of blood and betrayal behind.

Sup, Chapter one officially done :)

10:00 A.M here and I still have a lot of homework I have to do. Oh well. 

Onto the next chapter!

have fun readers!

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