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"ah...class starts soon. do i really want to go today..?"

"yes, y/n. you do."

"shut up, leona..! not talking to you."

throwing a pillow at the boy on your couch, you rub jacks cheeks.

"you have that one professor who puts the meetings online, right? just use your shitty school computer."

"oh my god! ferb, i know what i'm gonna do today!"

leona sweat drops.

"go to class?"

"no, idiot! i'll take my computer to idia's room, and do class online.!"

"wow. congrats, your brain had an actual thought for once."


as soon as you're done packing up, jack paws at your leg.

"what, jackie?"

"oh, he wants food. i'll feed him in a second, give me a hug before you leave."

"ew, why?"

"don't ew me, you know you soak up any and all affection. i'll hopefully be gone before you get back."

"wow, acting like a husband for once..!"

",,i literally do this all the time, don't be calling me a husband now."

"sorry, not gonna happen, hubby.!"

"i'll suffocate you in your sleep tonight. i know where your key rock is."

"you know you need me- jack loves me.!"

",,debatable on both fronts."

"i am here again, ortho.!!"

the door creaks in, and out peaks a taller blue male than the one you expected. definitely not the polite 16 year old baby you expected.

",,not ortho. he's out with,,the bright little one."

"what...? you really have to be more specific."

",,uh..the one always with the scary guy,,"

"oh, kalim!"

"sure. now go."

"don't be so cold idia! i'm here to attend class with you!"

the tall boy panics, shuffling further behind the door.

"ah, what?! i-uh,,i'm not going out today.!"

"not today! online class! look, i have my laptop.!"

"..oh. do..do you have to.?"

",,,ouch? i mean will you really survive alone? i won't.."

"wha- are you,,trying to guilt trip me..? and i mean, i'll be just fine alone.."

"waah, idia, just let me in! class starts soon!"

",,fine. just- just try not to get into my bubble please.,,"
you are..sitting on the floor. in a corner of idia's room.

man. you forgot how awkward he could be. the only reason you're in the corner anyways is because he was sitting there first, but he very quickly decided to take his school computer and cover himself in a blanket.

it's not even you and idia anymore, just you and a cocoon. ah, whatever. he'll eventually overheat and emerge, or ortho will come home and you can satisfy your yearn for affection through him.

or you could be a shithead and harass idia. which is honestly sounding better than sitting here for another..hour? your class started a few minutes ago, but so far it's review..ah, whatever. you'll raid idia's kitchen.

..or not. because he finally peeks his head out of the cocoon, and decides to stare at you.


"you're normally..more persistent than this.."

"yeah you bummed me out! i came here for affection, and you're being distant!"

sticking your tongue out at the introvert, you huff and cross your arms.

"so..i made you mad..?"

"no, idiot, i'm bummed.!!"

"but you,,sound mad???"

raising a fist, you slam it down on idias head.

"dummy! i'm not mad, i just want hugs you won't give me!!"

his face scrunches up in embarrassment, taking both hands and holding the one on his head.

",,,i'm just bad with attention."

you immediately retract your hand and go absolutely insane.

"what the hell how can you be so emo and so cute what the fuck oh my god you've given me a mental CRISIS."


"no! ah!! don't say sorry for being adorable you just murdered my soul!!"

"are you okay??"

"yeah, just give me a hug!"

"wait wha-"

too late to stop you now, idia begrudgingly accepts the affection you give him. it's safe to say the cocoon expanded with the addition of a second person, who decides attaching to her friends hip is the only comfortable position.

the cocoon acts as a toaster oven, and effectively roasts the fuck out of an embarrassed idia.
"wait what am i supposed to be doing here??"

you're walking down a relatively busy street, idia keeping a very solid grip on the back of your jacket. he stays as close as he can to you without stopping your walking, and pulls out his phone.

"that um..the suns moon needs us to pick up ortho."


"i think,,,"

"where are we supposed to get him?"

"ortho said they were going to an arcade, and,,,jamil,, wants us to pick him up at the park down the street."

"you'd think they'd be too old for parks,,anyways what are you doing, using me as a shield??"

"um,,i don't want to be stared at."

"you- your methods are so counterintuitive. just hold my hand, damn you!"

"yeah, no."

"you're a six foot grown ass man you hiding behind me is probably the dumbest looking thing ever."

"wha- shut up..!"

"maybe i didn't have to complain in the first place if SOMEONE didn't-"


your head immediately snaps in the direction of the overlapping voices, and find yourself getting hugged by kalim and ortho.

"you're both so cute..! two little teeny sunshine's??? adorable. show stopping."

"hehe, thanks!"

"oi, let her breath, kalim."

"wha- but- hug!!!"

"jamil no!! he's my little baby now. he's joining ortho. the lil' babies."

"ortho's 16,,,kalim is literally older than you."

"shut up jamil!! no one asked!!"
931 words
the new theme brought in so many new people!! you guys really like paradox live huh lol
anyways i will be sharing my genshin uid (613678914, american server, ar 55) because i got my eighth five star like a week ago and i want to show off. you should fear me. i fear me.
but yeah my scara/itto funds went out the window bc i wanted thoma, lost pity to qiqi, got mad, got hu tao. and then a few days later i got keqing off standard. too many people to level but!! i'm in love with them. but yeah anyways!! looking foreword to the 2.3 live stream!

frivolous [modern!college! twst x reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon