Keep Up Hodgson

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It's was a cold October morning, a rare Saturday off work for Nikki who has just left the house in her jogging gear. She opens her car and places her bottle and towel on the passenger seat.
Making her way to her local park, she arrives within five minutes.

Setting her watch she gets out the car and locks it before placing her keys in her pocket.

She jogs off passing the lake, dodging children with their parents, she passes other joggers before jogging through to the quieter part of the park which is situated further back.

Ever since her sudden break up with Matt she had found a love for jogging again, it was good for her mental well-being and also physical.

Running along a path streamed with golden leaves she turns a corner that's when she notices someone sitting on a bench, it's Jack.

He turns to look at her, "Hi. Thought I might find you here."
Nikki continues to jog on the spot keeping her breathing regulated. "You weren't picking up."

She looks at him without speaking but he knew exactly what she was saying just by the look on her face. "You wanna go?" He quizzes a small smile appearing noticing she clearly wants to get her personal best run in today.

She looks down at him still jogging on the stop, in a playful tone she responds. "Keep up Hodgson." That was is like a little whippet she speeds off.

He watches her as she jogs off, Jack suddenly realised she's not stopping and wants him to follow her. "Oh god" he rolls his eyes pulling himself from the bench.

Jack gets to his feet and speeds after her, "I haven't got the right gear on!" He breathes as he attempts to catch up with Nikki.

Nikki wanting to beat her best-friend pushes herself to the max and continues to steam ahead of Jack.

She smiles to herself as she continues to run past the lake she was running next to earlier, she slows herself down next to an elegant building. She brings herself back to walk and catches her breath as Jack comes racing towards her and stops. "Too quick for me" he breathes.

Laughing through her breathlessness she watches him pace as he catches his breath. He catches his breath and then begins to speak, "So..I... err. Managed to lift the DNA profile from the material you found under Pamela's finger nails, ran it against the Western victim group..." he states.

Nikki watches him closely as he continues to pace "and?" She pushes.
"Couldn't find a match" he responds noticing her eyes wondering over him as she proceeds to stretch out.

"I'm glad, they've been through enough" Nikki breathes.
He nods and keeps his eyes fixed on the floor, looking back up at her he bites his lip the red glow obvious in her cheeks it made his heart weak. "I can't even imagine what that experience must of done to you" he speaks taking Nikki completely by surprise.

Her past seemed to be catching up with her recently, especially since seeing Scott Western again. There is a moment of silence between them, she stands with her hands place on her hips.

Moving slightly she looks out over the lake, but she knew Jack was looking at her still "one of those boys... died in my arms." She begins but Jack continues to look at her for answers to his questions. "...and what did I do? I went into work and wrote up the report" her eyes now fixed on his.

She could see a sadness in his eyes, he nods and thinks of something to say "but that's what got those people justice. So, you did a good thing" he responds.

Nikki continues to look at her friend for a moment before peeling her eyes away from him and looking over the lake.

Sitting herself down on the bench next to them, "do you think I'm becoming desensitised to death?" She quizzes her colleague.
Looking up at the sky he thinks of the right words for the situation. "Otherwise how could I do the job? How could I ever comfort Jay's mother knowing I've held her sons heart in my hands?" She presses making Jack think quicker.

With her eyes fixed on the lake Jack looks down a the petite blonde before sitting down beside her, "I think... I think you're deeply effected by every single person you take care of. That's what makes you a brilliant pathologist" he stares at her. Nikki looks across at Jack he wanted to know what she was thinking.

"Still can't answer the question of 'why' though?" She responds. Jack moves slightly on the bench and looks out across the lake, "...why was it their loved one and not someone else's?"

"Nobody can, sure... if it comes to that why am I here and not Thomas?" He asks looking back at her.

Nikki thinks his name was still a sore subject they both still miss him dearly. "Thomas" she sighs looking up at the sky.
Jack moves, watches her closely, "I don't know why it was him that day and not me or you." Here came the survivors guilt, in actual fact Nikki had spent so much time helping Jack with his survivors guilt that she hadn't stopped to think about her own because that day she too could of almost died.

Looking down at her lap Jack continues to speak, "I don't know why you survived the shootings at the university..." he explains and Nikki can't break her eyes away from her lap he had a good point. "... I just know that I'll always... aways be grateful that you did" he speaks closing his eyes briefly expecting her to slap him or something.

She turns to Jack and share a look as silence looms between them, a little smile breaks on his face causing her to smirk back at him.
"I'm sorry." She responds breaking the silence. She hated when there was too much silence between them it built an odd atmosphere between them. "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that before" she speaks.

Jack smirks at her and slightly edges closer. Her heart races, at the smirk Jack gives her. "That's alright" he speaks turning away. He squeezes her arm as he looks across the park

The silence looms between them and suddenly Nikki notices Jack edging closer to her. "What you doing after your run?" He asks.
Her heart races quickly, panicking she looks around the park. "Nothing special, shower and some case notes" Nikki responds.

"Want to go for lunch?" He quizzes.
He was dangerously close to her now, "I'm fine, maybe another time."
The silence looms again and suddenly she sees Jack stretching, he is about to put his arm around her. As he does so her body tenses and she jumps up. "Nikki?" He quizzes.
"Keep up" she grins and jogs off.
"Nikki not this again, I'm not in the right gear!" He yells as he sprints to catch up with her.

They run some distance, she keeps looking behind herself and laughing as he struggles to keep up. "Nikki wait up!" He breathes as he suddenly builds the energy to sprint in seconds he catches up.

She laughs and tries to speed away but Jack grabs her waist pulling her to a halt. She looks down at his hands as he suddenly spins her around "Jack!" She giggles. The sudden realisation of how safe she felt in his arms. "Put me down!"

He places her back down the the ground beside a tree and rests his one hand against the tree. Jack smiles down at her breathlessly and she looks up at him a glint of desire in her eyes.
He wanted to test the waters see what he could do and what she would allow, lowering himself he steps forwards instantly expecting her to step back but she doesn't.

Nikki's heart races as she watches him step closer her feet frozen to the ground. She glances away and in that time Jack gets closer, she can feel his breathe against her cheek. Just then his hand comes to her face and nudges her face back to look at him.

Inches away from each other Jack's heart flutters as he notices her gazing up at him, he slowly closes the gap and presses his lips against hers. "Nikki?" He breathes as he pulls away from the light kiss.

"Shh" she smiles and then leans into him again pressing her lips to his and kissing him softly to test the waters.

Without even realising Jack's next move he slams Nikki up against the tree and deepens the kiss. On her tip toes she wraps her arms around his neck but Jack helps her out and holds her waist against the tree and lifts her slightly. They kiss for a while longer until they both come up for air, flustered and full of burning passions they look eat each other. She didn't have to speak Jack knew exactly what she was thinking. Grabbing her hand he pulls her away from the tree and guides her back to the car park. Luckily for him he walked it to the park so gets in Nikki's car with her. They head off back to her house awaiting the the moment they gave into each other.

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