Chapter 7: The Lion

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"Why do you dress like a boy?" the little blonde-haired boy asked her.

She was hesistant to answer. She looked down nervously and flushed red. Before she even had the words to answer him, a little girl's voice spoke from behind her. "Because she chooses to."

She turned towards the voice. It was young Alyssia, at the age of eleven. Dressed in her adorable flannel gown, she walks with grace - like a proper lady. She comes to the girl's defence. "Women do not have many choices. But you wouldn't know that because you're a man."

The young boy whined. "I just thought it was peculiar. What wrong is there to ask why?"

Alyssia looked to the girl. "Do not mind my younger brother Julian. He can be quite troublesome." As they were turning away, the girl had thought she heard the boy mumble the word "hoyden" at her.

Alyssia took her by the arm and started walking along a path. "There are many girls like you who desire to be a man. In our society, it is unfortunate to be born a girl. Although they try to change, most are unfit because they are simply not meant to be. I have a feeling that you may be that rare woman who is deemingly fit to become a man."

"If you come with me, I will aid you in your journey, whatever it may be. I will make use of your abilities. You must not reveal your true identity to anyone else. Do you understand?" The girl nodded boldly without any questions.

Alyssia stopped and looked at the girl. "I apologize. I did not get your name."

The girl said timidly, "Philippa".

"Philippa, is it? What a beautiful name."

"Thank you," she answered shyly.

"From now on, you shall serve me and I shall assist you." She thought for a moment. "I suppose we shall become friends. Agreed?"

Philippa was more than willing to serve her. She felt as though her life was dedicated to this; entitled to Alyssia. This beautiful, strong and powerful girl was the essence of all women. Despite her young age, she spoke like a clever lady. She admired her.

Without hesitation, she knew this was her destiny.



She was staring at the young queen lying on the bed. "How is her condition, Maria?"

The nurse's face filled with grief. She spoke uncertainly. "Her Majesty has not improved for the past two days. There were no changes in her pulse and her breathing. The wound may have gotten better, but there was no significant improvement from her heart or lungs. She may be in a coma for five more days, Lord Phillip."

Philippa sat on the side of the bed. She did not move from her position since the night Alyssia was attacked. She did not eat nor drink anything for the past two days. Nothing mattered to her more than the queen's life.

She glanced at the nurse. "Thank you, Maria. You may leave now." Maria and two other nurses left the room so that Philippa would be left alone.

"I am sorry I have failed you," she said softly.

She took the queen's hand and held it firmly. "By my life, I swear I shall lay vengeance upon the man who did this to you."

Her guilt quickly turned into anger. "I will find him, hunt him down to the ends of the earth and kill him with the sword you bestowed to me." She let go of her hand.

"I swear it on my life," she said one last time before leaving the room in search of the man, the man she once knew as Julian Heyworth; the little blonde-haired boy.


The short humble man watched over the soldiers while they were training. With his arms crossed over his chest, he felt some pride in his position given that he was new to this sort of power. Although he had been working for Lord Phillip for many years, he was promoted to Field Marshal last year, just after the killing of the original commander. He spotted Lord Phillip entering the Red Keep.

He nodded his head to her. "My lord."

"Sir Thaddeus."

"How are you, my lord?"

"Quite well, thank you."

They were both watching the training soldiers.

"Have you been eating properly, my lord?"

"That needn't concern you, Sir Thaddeus."

"You must eat, my lord. It is important for you to be in good health and - "

"I will," she interrupted. "My health is none of your concern."

There was an awkward looming silence between them. "Any news from the capitol?" she asked.

"Some soldiers have reported to have seen the intruder at a local tavern in Whitecrest during nightfall."

"Good. I expect no less from our troops." She put her hand on his shoulder and nodded towards the soldiers. "Get their attention."

"What will you say?"

"This operation needs to be broader. I need more people to join. I know how to motivate them."

He obeyed her. "Attention! Listen up. Lord Phillip will say a few words."

She cleared her throat. "Thank you, Sir Thaddeus." All eyes were on her.

"As you may know, two days ago, our beloved Queen Alyssia was attacked. Stabbed with a hidden blade, she still suffers from the injury and is now in a coma for God-knows-how-long. We still pray for her awakening. The man who did this committed a most unspeakable and treacherous crime. Not only is this treason, it is attempted murder - and no less, violence upon a person of royal blood. No person in their right bloody mind should ever disgrace our kingdom like that!" A sudden grumble and frustrated anger came across the soldiers.

"However, this is not all. The most shocking part is that this man, this criminal, is one that we all know. Forgotten long ago and soon to be remembered again, his name is Julian Heyworth - also known as Julian Cardiff - son of King Alexander and brother of Queen Alyssia ... former heir to the throne."

A loud outburst of gasps and cries filled the crowd. Some were mad but most were astonished and confused. This was the first time they had ever heard about him. It was confirmed that he had dissappeared and never came back. After many years, most thought he was dead - including his own sister. It was all after that incident; the May Day Massacre.

"Now - " she raised her voice over the chatter - "before you fucking bastards start babblin' on about this, I must warn you: this is possibly the most important mission for the sake of Harringdale; finding the son of King Alexander. We must capture him alive. Only we know about his true identity. If word spreads across the kingdom, it will cause havoc and choas. Therefore, for the next several weeks, you will not reveal any of this information to anyone outside the Red Keep. These are my orders to you."

The soldiers looked around uncertainly, murmurs and whispers here and there. Thaddeus shouted at them. "Did all you fuckers go deaf?! Swear it by your mother's head you will not speak a word of this to anyone unless we say so!"

All of a sudden, the soldiers regained their disposition. "Yes, Sir!"

He turned to Philippa for some acknowledgement. She nodded her head in approval. He felt powerfully good.

Quick note: the word 'hoyden' is actually another old word for 'tomboy'.

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