Chapter 4

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“Awake, north wind,

and come, south wind!

Blow on my garden,

that its fragrance may spread abroad.

Let my lover come into his garden

and taste its choice fruits.”

Song of Songs 4:16 (NIV)

November 18, 1985 AD

Baekhyun had never been to Hell before. As The Chosen of Good, The Elders had never allowed him to visit that realm, and Baekhyun, afraid of the consequences, complied to their word. But in that moment, desperate for the touch of the only being he ever loved after the heinous crime he committed, he forgot about what The Elders expected of him. All that mattered was finding Chanyeol.

Admittedly, Baekhyun felt lost. He’d never been to that Realm and he was unsure of where exactly he was supposed to go. But after treading the streets of Hell, Baekhyun noticed a pattern that was all too familiar to him, and then he realized: Hell was exactly like Heaven. It was as if they had used the same mold for both realms and simply changed the core materials and the energy that ran through them.

Thankfully, through the haze he found himself in, he thought fast enough to disguise his appearance with a look more befitting of Hell. His long hair turned blood red like Chanyeol’s and he donned a black leather jacket, tight black jeans, and a pair of combat boots. Even a tattoo travelled up his neck in an intricate design he inspired on Chanyeol’s personal symbol.

As much as he could, he tried to keep his emotions in check as he passed different Creatures from Hell in his haste to find the palace. He used all the willpower and methods he’d learned through the centuries to hide the turmoil that his soul hid underneath the surface. Even if he was breaking inside piece by overwhelming piece, on the outside he looked cold and indifferent, sure of himself and his energy of Evil.

Thankfully, it didn’t take him long to find the palace. He stared at the bewitching side momentarily, completely awestruck by the beauty of the architecture. It had the same design as the palace in Heaven, but where Baekhyun’s palace was all light colors and soft tones, Chanyeol’s was dark and brooding. It held an intimidating aura that stood amongst the heat of Evil energy that made up Hell.

As The Chosen of Good, Baekhyun should’ve felt intimidated and uncomfortable, but surprisingly, he felt the opposite. If anything, he felt at peace. The turmoil that was boiling in his veins after the murder he had committed calmed him, and his speeding heart had lowered to a normal pace.

Baekhyun took a couple of deep breaths and walked the steps up to the palace entrance one step at a time. Despite how calm Hell strangely made him feel, he was still nervous for what was to come. How was he going to admit to Chanyeol that he’d just murdered a group of boys and their mothers in a fit of rage after he caught them abusing the son Chanyeol knew nothing about?

Yeah, there was no easy way to justify his actions, his demeanor, or the reason why he’d breached one of the rules The Elders had imposed on them both from the very first day. It was something that Baekhyun would never do lightly, and Chanyeol knew this. He would know something was wrong as soon as he saw Baekhyun. And what could Baekhyun tell him to justify his presence in the Underworld?

It had been a terrible idea to go to Hell. Baekhyun already knew that. He’d known from the moment his body made the decision for him when his mind had reached its peak of distress. But there was no turning back no, even if he wanted. His heart ached for Chanyeol, so Baekhyun kept going.

It didn’t surprise him to notice that the inside of the castle was much the same as his own. Portraits of previous Chosen lined the walls and beautiful blacked diamonds were encrusted amongst the strong Obsidian of the walls. Baekhyun was taken aback by the dark beauty of the place and how peaceful it felt to be amongst its walls despite the accumulated energy of The Evil that ran through the structure. It was like every precious stone was chosen with utmost care to ensure the safety of anyone who stepped foot on the palace.

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