Chapter 9

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For the next few chapters, I'll be posting these pictures I made (didn't draw- made it with an app called LilyStory) of the kids. It won't let me add multiple to one chapter so you'll just have to wait and see for more lol. Anyway, enjoy :)
(Also Jin's dog B.o.B. Is called bob, but his name stands for best of boys. And the only two pets will come in later {they don't have any plot effect, I just think they're cute})

Chapter 9

"Hey, hag," Katsuki said when his mom walked into the living room.

"Hey, brat," she replied. She flopped down on the couch next to him. She looked over at him and caught sight of his bump. "What..? Are you wearing a fake bump, Katsuki?"

"Nope," he said, popping the p. He lifted his shirt to show her his belly. "I'm wearing a real one. Well- I'm not wearing it. It's on me. In me? Part of me. It's part of me."

"I'm so fucking confused," she said. The baby did a somersault of sorts in Katsuki's belly, making it roll in a weird way. Mitsuki screeched. "What the fuck was that!?"

"My fucking son, hag," he snorted, "I'm knocked up. Again. Before you ask any questions: I went to a clinic and got hit by the same fuckin' quirk so I could get pregnant again. I'm 25 weeks with a little boy, and Eijirou only found out two weeks ago since I'm an idiot."

She gaped. She cleared her throat after a second and smiled. "Are you happy?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I be? You know I love this shit."

She nodded. "Good. Can I feel your belly?" she asked. He shrugged and shimmied down the couch toward her. She snorted and put her hand on his bump. She awed when the baby kicked her hand. Katsuki hissed in pain and swatted away Mitsuki's hand.

"Fucker-" he coughed, "That's dad's fucking lung, you brat!"

Mitsuki laughed. "Oh, I love this payback. You loved abusing my lungs."

"I've had seven children that loved abusing my lungs. I've had enough payback."

"Seven- oh Right. Right. Yeah. I guess that's fair, though," she shrugged, "Then sorry- but you did fully choose this."

"I know I chose it, but does that automatically mean I'm not allowed to complain when it hurts?" He huffed.

"You're allowed to complain whenever you want," Eijirou said from next to his ear. Katsuki turned his head to look at him. "Just because you chose this and knew what was gonna happen doesn't mean that you can't complain. I'll always be here to make it better however you need."

Katsuki kissed his cheek. "You're too fucking nice."

"I just love you, what's so wrong about that?"

Katsuki groaned. "Too niiiiiiceee."

Mitsuki laughed. "You guys are good for each other."

"You say that any time he's even remotely nice to me," Katsuki said.

"Well I thought you would fall in love with some fuck boy, so he's a huge upgrade!" Mitsuki snorted.

"Fuck boys are not my type. My type is the sun personified with a hot body to match the heat of the sun," Katsuki said.

Eijirou nuzzled Katsuki's neck. "Am I really the sun personified?"

"Totally," Katsuki sighed, "I like how you didn't doubt that you're hot as hell."

"I know how much I bench," Eijirou snickered.

"Cocky asshole," Katsuki grumbled.

"Cock and Asshole? Wow, sounds like us in bed-"

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