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george's pov

the walk back to kinoko kingdom was about 5 hours, i figured if i left before nighfall i would make it in time to catch sapnap and karl before they went to sleep.
it wasn't until i had left dream smp territory i heard footsteps, from the sound of it, it sounded like there was two people. i don't have alot of enemies on the server, i have mutual alliances with the dream smp as well as l'manburg. though, there are still few people who want me dead.
i quickly whip my head around, cautious of who it might be. too my surprise, it was karl, alongside him- a boy.
i wasn't concerned about the fact that karl wasn't at kinoko kingdom, i was more concerned on the fact that, for whatever reason, i recognise him.
his green eyes illuminated by the dark sky, and his blonde hair fell over his forehead. he wasn't unique, he was pretty basic. but for some reason, i feel attracted to his aroma. almost as if i've known him my whole life.

"have we met before", the question obviously caught him off guard, the boy's mouth gaped open. my mind replays almost every memory i have, or everything i remember at least. no matter how hard i try, i'm certain we haven't actually met, but at the same time, we have?
"that's impossible, from what i've heard- he traveled for days before he found this place" karl quickly added, trying to avoid the subject. i take another look at him, he's staring at me. those eyes, i definitely recognise them.
the boy looks away almost instantly, although its almost pitch black outside- i can slightly make out red rushing to his face.
"my name is clay." clay? thats quite a strange name, but nonetheless, it would be rude to not introduce myself.
"my name is george, i am king of kinoko kingdom- therefore i demand respect from foreigners" he was a but taken aback by my statement, but he nods in agreement. we make eye contact one last time before i start heading to my kingdom once again.

they quickly follow after me, after what seems like 30 minutes in pitch darkness, i hear rustling in the trees.
"get back" i whisper, as i put my arm out in front of them to prevent them from any harm. i immediately pull out my sword, making a sharp noise in the process. i hold it out in front of me, waiting for any other indication of whats among the trees.
a potion of harming gets thrown into the midst of the three of us, except it came from behind us. before i could think any further, clay hits the ground, wailing in pain. bruises and blood start leaking out of his skin, "karl! protect him, don't let anything else get close to him" i demand. karl quickly rushes over and kneels down in front of him, helping him in any way possible.
i slowly approach the leaves covering the perpetrator, a potion of poison gets thrown towards me, i duck my head quickly in defence.
"a which" i scowl, i don't do anymore thinking. i swing my sword forward, praying that i hit the mob. the impact sent it flying to the ground, but not enough to kill it.
i try to drain out the noise of his screaming, he was in pain. and as duty of king i had to help him as soon as i could.

she quickly drinks a regenerating potion to bring up her health, but unfortunately for her, i was already right in front of her. consumed by anger, i plunged my sword into her chest, leaving her lifeless.
i immediately went back to where karl was attending clay. his face was so bloody i couldn't even recognise him.
i lifted him up over my shoulder, having no time to waste, i started running to my kingdom, with karl right behind me.

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