"Okay, that's enough buddy boy. You're getting too full of yourself again," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"I'm full of you."

"No, you're full of idiotic, perverted comments that's what you are."

The bell rang and we left the principal's office. So, I went back to Mr. Wilson's to grab my stuff but Thomas followed me there.

"Wasn't that funny?" Thomas asked still laughing.

"Totally if I like everyone thinking I have condoms and have sex in the bathroom."

"Safe sex, and just so you know, we're even now," he said before walking to his next class and slipping a note in my hand.

"No, we are most definitely not," I shrieked.


I smirked. "You mean as sexy as my body?"

Thomas shook his head. "You are so conceited of yourself, babe. Your new name should be Narcissistic."

"This is coming from the most conceited guy. But, it's okay for you to be full of yourself? And I am not Narcissistic. I am more like Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love not the selfish guy Narcissistic who fell in love with himself." I replied.

"Yes, because it's the truth. But, don't worry Narcissistic, I can be Echo," he said, snooping through my phone.

I rolled my eyes. "Give me my phone back."

"Here," he said willingly, clearly up to no good.

I typed in my passcode and quickly searched through my phone. I saw no evidence of anything he did. I checked my social media and saw a picture of Mason doing the duck face of all faces that he took right now with the caption Man Candy Everyday goes out to this hot stuff, sugar daddy, and master @kingthomas

"Seriously?" I asked.

"I was doing it for you before you forgot, with that clueless mind of yours, Narcissistic. You're always thinking about yourself and not anyone else."

I groaned. "You're so annoying and you're Narcissistic not me."

"And, you're no grand catch either. Just give it up. You know deep down that you're Narcissistic."

"Then, go away if I'm not a grand catch. No, I know deep down that you're Narcissistic," I said, typing on my computer.

"No. I am fine here, Narcissistic," he said, starting a new game of Snake on his computer.

"Fine, but I'm just going along with it because I can't stand you. So, Echo, how did you even get Nelson to move? He's like the most stubborn person I know."

"That's a good girl. Anyway, besides your stubborn self, only wanting to fall in love with yourself," Thomas added with a smirk. "I told him that you got an STD and herpes but you still wanted to have sex with him. After I said that, he looked really grossed out and left. Although, he never had sex, I don't think."

"You're disgusting," I said.

"But, no worse than you, kissing yourself and loving your-" Thomas said and a look of realization dawned on him. "Oh shit. He's gay.  I mean crap."

I rolled my eyes. "Just because someone has never had sex does not mean they are gay. He could be religious."

Thomas stated seriously, "Nope, he's as gay as every straight guy after they see me. Get it? Because I'm so sexy that even straight guys turn gay."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really conceited and really really annoying?"  I asked, typing the notes.

"Are there twenty one letters in the alphabet?" Thomas asked, ignoring my question, as he was still playing Snake.

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