Chapter Three

Começar do início

I like women, not men.

"But what if you find the man for you?" Rosé said with a gleam of happiness in her eyes.

"I don't need a man." I told her as I looked right into her eyes. She squinted at me,

"Why not?"

"I don't like men." I said bluntly.

"Well they can get on my nerves sometimes–"

"I mean I'm not attracted to men." I said more clearly this time. She looked a bit taken aback,



"Well, you'll find love. I found love with Chanyeol and I hope he's doing okay on his ship." She said to me with a smile. I resisted the urge to gag at how lovesick she looked talking about him only for a second.

Rosé and Chanyeol met a year ago after she tried to raid his ship. He found her attractive and proclaimed his love to her after only knowing her about 15 minutes. I remember accidentally running into Chanyeol on the docks one day and he told me all about it. But, not with the lovey voice, more like a cocky one. Everyone knows Rosé is beautiful, so I have my suspicion about the man. They've been together for a year and a half now.

"Yeah, hope he got eaten alive by a Kraken." I whispered to myself, smiling a little because I wouldn't be mad at that. I know he's up in the Northern seas right now, so it is a possibility. I didn't like the man anyway and he's hated me since our training days for some reason.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Now, you wanna go back over to your place and start living?" I asked her, wanting her to get away from me now so I can slowly wither away in peace. But instead of her responding, she just smirked at me and leaned back on a tree under the shade,

"Nah, I'm too lazy to go over there. I'll stay here and bug ya." I stared at her as she closed her eyes, her smirk still resting on her lips.

"Ugh, whatever." I rolled my eyes and continued carving away, getting close to finishing it. I smiled slightly as you could now tell what the final product was supposed to be, "Nice." I muttered under my breath as I looked it over, making sure it was all done.

"What did ya make?" Rosé asked from beside me, startling me as I quickly hid it from her gaze.

"Nothing." I told her. But then my brain remembered what happened last time I denied her something and I spoke again, "Before you slam my head against another rock, tell me you won't judge my carving skills." She scoffed,

"I wasn't going to slam your head into another rock. It was an accident." I raised an eyebrow at her,

"So you're sorry?"

"No." I sighed,

"I'm not even surprised," I pulled my little wooden piece out from behind me. I saw her watchful eyes dance around the little wooden piece I now held in front of her, "don't judge. I can see that looks on your face."

Rosé reached her hand out and took it out of my hands, further examining it without saying anything. After a few moments, she looked up at me and smiled a little,

"This little wooden ship is good." I nodded at her,

"Thank you, now give it back." I reached out for it, but of course she moved it further away from me. I huffed out and tried again, getting the same result, "Oi, stop being annoying and give it back bastard." She clicked her tongue at me,

"That's not how you talk to people."

"That's how I'm talking to you right now," I shot back as I lunged forward, knocking her onto her back. I climbed over her and grabbed the wooden shop from her hands which were above her head. I smirked down at her when I got it in my hands, "Better luck next time."

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora