Chapter Three | Speakers

148 3 3

This was so rushed I-



I jump out of my chair as I hear Four call my name. They can make their voice very loud.

"Coming," I shout back, "I'll be back soon." I smile at the objects- Four made a lot over the past week or two, so there's now 20- then exit the room. My heart is pounding in my chest, so loud I can hardly hear over it. Did I do something wrong? Are they firing me? I take a deep breath before entering their office.

"There you are." Their expression isn't very pleased.

"Sorry, sir, I got caught up wi-"

"No need to explain yourself. I have something very important to share," An unsettling smile spreads across their face, "Come." They then grab my arm and practically drag me down the hallway.

They let go right as they're opening a door. It looks like a regular closet at the end of the hall, but I gasp loudly once it's fully open.

Inside is a pile of strangely shaped speakers.

Lots of them.

Four picks up one near the front of the pile- a dark gray speaker box. They fiddle with it for a few moments, then it suddenly jumps out of their hands.

"What are you doing? Where am I?" It speaks in a monotone voice, similar to text-to-speech. It has no mouth or eyes, but when the words are spoken the speaker moves. I step back, shaking slightly.

"Shush. What do you think, X?" Four turns to me, still grinning widely.

"W-Wh-" I stutter.

"This thing here," they flick the speaker box, "is going to be perfect for distracting our objects."

"Why do they need to be distracted?"

"So we can take a break from caring for them all the time. Study their anatomy a little more. Take some for testing on occasion."

"But- why?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions. It's for science, for study, for a better understanding of what we're dealing with here." Their tone is harsh, making me step back again.

They snatch up the speaker box and walk out of the room, glaring at me as they do. I stand there for a few moments longer before slowly following them.


I sigh quietly as I watch the objects outside. Four ushered them all out, let them talk among themselves for a while, then set the speaker in. I couldn't really hear them, as they're on the opposite side of a window and a fair distance away, but it's interesting to watch. The speaker box had apparently split them up into two groups, one on a green mat and the other on a red one. I have no idea how those mats got there, nor the balance beam that appeared earlier. Maybe it was Four's doing. I watch as they run around the grass and build boats for some reason. Four never explained this part of the situation.

I turn around upon hearing the sound of footsteps. There they are, calmly watching the objects. Four looks down at me for a moment.

"Go to your office. You have papers to work on."

I quickly nod and get to my feet, speed walking to my office.


Yes it's another timeskip I don't know how to progress this thing

It's nighttime.

I slowly walk up to the apartment door and open it. Instantly Y hops up and pulls me into a tight hug. I hear Z sigh behind him.

"You have to tell us everything!" Y exclaims the second he lets go.

"You don't have to, X. He's just excited." Z rolls their eyes.

"It's fine, just let me lay down first-" I chuckle slightly and push past Y. Z lets me walk into the apartment and I instantly flop down on a couch.

"Tiring day?" Z sits down next to the couch, on the floor, and pats my back. I just mumble in response. My friends go quiet for a few minutes before Y finally speaks up again.

"Sooooo, you gonna tell us?"

I did tell them about the objects Four was making and how they all interacted with each other. So far Y's favorite is Leafy and Z's favorites are Tennis Ball and Golf Ball. They were amazed when I told them the sheer amount of objects that were made. Y even asked me if I could bring them home once!

"Sure, I guess-" I sit up.

And so I explain what happened that day- the strange closet of speakers, whatever the objects were doing outside, how harsh Four was, ect.

"I don't like them." Y blurts out when I'm done.

"You say that every day." I sigh, exhausted.

"What do you think they'll do next?" Z asks politely. I just shrug in response.

"I'm just gonna go to bed now, I'm pretty done with today." I stand up and start towards the bedroom.



813 Words

A few things to say

1- yeah this took over a month to be made and was still rushed as hell

2- got lazy on the chapter art this time, sorry

3- 122 reads before I even published chapter three I- y'all are amazing

4- no designs for you this chapter I am not drawing all of those characters

anyways uh

yeah next chapter will be better, more interesting, and longer I swear-

good day/night/whenever you might be reading this!

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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.It was Bound to go Wrong, Dear! | BFB/XFOHV AU.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora