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Jungkook and taehyung run to hobi

"What happened to my brother" jin said

"Uncle!! Hobi uncle hit by car" Taekookie said

Jin shocked and tears fall down his cheeks

"N-no" jin said try to go to hobi

Taekookie grab jin hand and take him to hobi.

Taehyung take hobi his arms and try to wake up him.

"W-we should take him hospital" jungkook said and called taxi

Taehyung carry hobi his arms and go inside taxi follow by jungkook,jin and Taekookie.


They arrived

Taehyung again carry hobi and ran inside hospital with others

"Help us please" jungkook said

Doctor and nurses come and take hobi inside.

Jin cry look down

Taekookie hug jin legs

1/½ hrs later

Doctor come outside

"There was serious injured at hoseok head, We need to do operation to save hoseok and baby" doctor.

"Baby?" Jin said

"Yes, hoseok is 1 month pregnant" doctor said

Jin , jungkook and Taekookie shocked

Taehyung look at them , a confused look as you know he is deaf .

"Please save them , doctor please" jin said

"We try our best" doctor said left .

Jin, jungkook and taehyung sit down on chair

Taekookie in jin lap.

"What happened" taehyung ask in sign language .

"Hobi is pregnant and his  head injured badly"  jungkook sign back .

Taehyung shocked

"It's all my fault, if i wasn't hungry it wouldn't happen" Taekookie said crying

"Baby it's not your fault okay" jin said hug Taekookie tightly.

4 hrs later

Doctor come outside

"How is my brother and his baby " jin ask .

"Your brother and baby is safe but"

"But what?" Jungkook ask

"He loose his memory" doctor said

Jin, jungkook and Taekookie shocked

Jin almost fall down on ground

But jungkook and taehyung grab him.

"W-when his memory come back" jin ask

"I don't know it's took days, months and years" doctor said

After that doctor excuse himself and left

Jungkook tell taehyung everything (in sign language)

Taehyung shocked

They all go inside room and saw hobi sleeping on bedroom.

They sit down on sofa.

Next morning

Taekookie sleeping in jin arms

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