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"What the fuck suga!!!!!!!!" Miho said

" I am in love with hobi" suga said look down


Mina slap suga harder.

"I told you don't fall in love with that bitch!!!!! Didn't I huh!!!!" Mina said again slap suga.

"I am sorry eomma but I can't help , I love him so much " suga said tears fall down his cheeks "

"You disappointed me yoongi" miho angrily said

"Sorry appa " suga said

"I don't care yoongi that you love him, I never let you live with him " miho said.

"You know what yoongi?  Jimin is better than you" Mina said

Yoongi hate this , he hate his parents compared him with others.

"Jimin love taemin but he married with Ken for me , I told him and he agree for me , Jimin is really batter than you " miho said

"okay Jimin is better than me, because I am not innocent like him, I know every dark side of your,  how you beat bogum uncle just because grandma and grandpa let him stay after bogum uncle parents dead , how you insult namjoon and taemin because they both are gay, how you badly treat taehyung and jimin because they both are adopted" yoongi said

"I love hobi, i do everything to make him safe , and listen  your son are gay for hobi " suga said

Miho and Mina shocked

"Best of luck and live happily in this so called mantion because I am leaving with others " suga said, turn around and  about to walk.

"Hello Mr Ken! !! Can you kill 5 people for me " miho said in phone

Suga stop

"Name:: hoseok, seokjin, jungkook, taehyung and taekookie " miho said smirk

Mina smirk look at suga .

Suga turn around and look at them

"Ok I kill them in midnight " otherside Ken said .

"Ok thank you mr Ken for helping " smirked miho said

"Anytime " Ken said

Miho hang up phone

"Why are you standing here, go leave this mantion but know this i will kill your lover ,his brother and your brothers" Mina said smirked

Suga look at them

"If you don't want me kill your lover , just do as I say   " miho said smirked

"What do you want " suga ask control his anger.

"Good choice but for now let me kick them out of my mantion " Mina said smirked

Miho order guards.


Mina and miho come living room with yoongi behide them .

Yoongi saw guards come with hobi,jin,taehyung, jungkook and taekookie.

Guards thrown them on floor.

" listen here bitch's , I kicked you out of my mantion , so batter leave Seoul and never saw us your ugly face's" miho said

Hobi,jin,jungkook and taekookie shocked

Taehyung understand little and that is they kicked them out.

"S-suga h-yung what is this?" Hobi ask tears fall down his cheeks.

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