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After dinner and same chit-chating

Jin and Namjoon so happy to meet each other again

After that everyone left.

Suga inside his bedroom

Door knocked and mina come inside

"Oh eomma! Do you want samething? " suga ask

"I need you stay away from hoseok" mina said


"Why are you close to him so much? I know you married with him but you need to hate him , I don't want you to falling in love with him" mina said

Suga don't know what to say

"Don't disappointed me yoongi and stay away from him , don't falling in love with him" mina said left room.

Suga sat on bed in deep through.


Jungkook and taekookie ready to go sleep

Door knocked and taehyung come inside

"Can I sleep with you two " taehyung sign

Jungkook blush

"Yeahhh of course appa" taekookie happily said , grab taehyung hand, take him on bed.

They three laid in bed

Taekookie between taehyung and Jungkook.

They three falling in sleep while hugging each other .


"Eomma he look so broken , it's really hurt me eomma" jimin said crying hug sana

Sana hug back and try to clam down him

Suddenly Sana bedroom door open and ken come inside

"How many times I told you stay at your bedroom, can't you understand bitch" ken said grab jimin arms and left sana bedroom.


Suga sitting in sofa , checking same file

Hobi happily go to him with burger in his hand.

"Hyung taste this, it's so delicious" hobi said place burger in front of suga

Suga didn't say anything not even look at hobi.

"Hyung come on open your mouth " hobi said

Hobi know samething is wrong

"What happened hyung ? " hobi ask place his hand on suga shoulder

Suga push hobi hand away from him and stood up

Hobi also  stood up and grab suga arms

"Hyung I know samething is wrong, please tell me what happened " hobi said

Suga push hobi hand

"Why are you so annoying , I fucking hate you, I can't believe I marriage with you, don't fucking talk with me and after the marriage don't touch my stuff, never think I accept you as my husband " suga said take his files and left mantion.

Hobi just standing, tears fall down his cheeks.


Suga come outside mantion

His heart hurting .

Suga sign , sat on car and drive his company


forgive me sope ff✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin