Christmas Ball

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Great hall:

The hall was noisy with the students laughing and excitedly yelling. All of them were happy as Dumbledore announced the Christmas ball, it was a party that was held on the last day before the Christmas holidays, with music, dance, alcohol, where they can bring dates, even the professors.

The first, second and third years were dissapointed as they were not allowed to bring a date or participate in the ball, they were allowed in only at the time of the grant feast.

All of them including the professors were discussing about picking a date for the ball. Ayra was not interested in this from the moment the arrangements began. The meeting held in the staff room was boring to her. If Albus hadn't strictly ordered that all the professors should attend the ball, she won't be attending it.

It was not that she don't like dance or celebrations, she actually love it, but it was a bad memory of one such christmas ball in her sixth year made her hate this and to add to it the one responsible for it was right next to her.

"Ayra? ", Severus called her.

She sighed, he just know how to pick the worst moment to irritate her. She didn't care to hide the annoyed look on her face, "Yes.. Mr Snape? ".

He cringed at her look, but again decided to try his luck, "Would you like to go with me for the ball?...You know like we did in our sixth year ".

"Oh.. I remember, it was a wonderful night. May be I at not that lucky this time because I already agreed to go with Kevin", she said sarcastically pointing at the professor sitting to her left.

Kevin Scott was the DADA professor, new like her, he was grinning at Severus' dissapointed look, "You missed the chance Severus, I am the lucky one for the night".

Severus clenched his fist holding his anger, if he had a dislike for that man now for sure he hated him. Severus eyes followed Ayra as she got up and walked out of the hall. He will have to see her with another man. That was what this Christmas ball always gave him, he was destined to see the woman he love with someone else. When will his fate change? Will that even change?........


Ayra's pov:

I walked out of there annoyed at the two, I had made it clear to Kevin that we are going as friends, nothing more. For god's sake why was he trying to show off like that.. He was trying to make make Severus jealous.. Why in name of Merlin am I thinking about this.. Like Severus will feel jealous about me...he don't like me that way.. I am so stupid....

But still.. He asked me to go with him!.. His audacity to behave like nothing was wrong between us... How can he be so normal... It was good Kevin asked... I had a good reason to reject Severus... How does that even matter! ... I would have rejected him anyways.... I don't want to go with him.. Again.. I don't want to do that again... That one night was enough...

//////////////////////// Flashback /////////////////////

6th year Potion class:

I was stirring the potion, trying to do it perfectly like Severus, my hair pulled up into a messy bun, beads of sweat shining on my forehead.

I was rather worried that I will mess up with potion, I asked Severus to do it himself but he was so confident I can do it better, he kept helping me over my insecurities on my brewing skills. I was sure I can't meet his perfectionist skills but he was right next to me encouraging me all way he can.

"You are getting her shirts greasy with your hair Snivellus ", Sirius mocked seeing Severus standing close looking over my shoulder, his hair tickling my exposed neck and shirt collar. It was something I liked, I enjoyed that closeness more than I should.

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