The flight was great, I didn't need to be with that Irish raven woman since she has something to do, she let Devon escort me back home. I miss LA and I miss my plants. Can't wait to spend my hours relaxing in my garden. I'm home right now and it's kind of slow for me because I didn't see or talk to Justine. Maybe she's too busy and Jonathan is punishing her for the work.

It was dinner now and Stella with my best friends are here, going to bug me about my honeymoon. "So?! How's she? Is she big?" They asked me and I just rolled my eyes how dirty is my best friend's mind. "No, 'Hi Emma, how are you? We miss you a lot!'?" I asked them and they all scoffed. Rude! "We all know that you're good and fine and we can see how glowing you are, so you two did it?" Stella asked me. Should I tell them or not? Well, Justine didn't mention sharing it with others since she left me there alone.

"We just kissed. That's all." I lied to them. Because I wanted to earn Justine's trust in me. She's my wife for the next 4 years, and she is my friend. She's fragile and special, and I know how it feels to be stabbed behind.

"You're no fun, Emma! You're just happy because you make out on the Island with your wife." They rolled their eyes at me and these bitches have an attitude.

"Justine is busy with her work since she's the new CEO of dad's company. But that's all we get, make out and smooching. It's alright for me since the Maldives is spectacular!" I showed them my selfies and the retreat house we rented there.

"Wow! It's so clear and beautiful. Because of this, I need a vacation out there!" Scarlet announced and we all laughed because of that.

The night was more of me and Island and they totally forget about what happened to me and my wife, which is great.

My two best friends already went home and it was me and Stella cleaning my living room. "Hey, it's just two of us. So, is she big?" Stella asked me while I'm washing the dishes. "I told you, we're not prepared for that and I was correct that she's busy with her work. It's just me and Russel all the time." I replied to her. "So you two really have a chance at all?" I stopped from what I am doing because of that question. We've been done it but, are we something, or am I just her past time?

"I don't know. 4 years are too long for the both of us. But hey, we make each other friends be." I optimistically told her. "That's great! So you make her friend-zoned and I have still a chance to her!" She was happy and I'm not. "Don't you fucking dare Stella McCullen!" I glared at her and she was laughing out loud. "You like her don't you?" She teased me. "What?! No of course not! She may be my wife, and we kissed but I'm still straight!" I reasoned out to her and her laugh was so irritating to my ears! Argh!

"Will you shut it?! You're so loud!" I blocked my ears.

"Then why are you jealous?" She asked again.

"I'm not, idiot!" I shouted at her but I guess I'm not going to stop her.

"Fuck you, Stella, finish all of this. I'm tired and I have meeting for my next movie." I stomped my feet away from the kitchen and went to my room. Once I closed my door, I huffed out of my anger to my best friend. I decided to do my night routine and go get some sleep.

After moisturizing my face, I grabbed my phone to check my social media, and also check if Justine texted are missed called me. A lot of messages from my manager but to my wife, none. I started to make a conversation with her.

"I just go home like 3 hours ago. Thank you for the assistance though, how are you in there?" I emailed her since she's in Barcelona and waited for her response.

I jumped off to my bed and tucked myself under the thick sheets and waited for her response.

3 hours have passed and I'm still wide awake, waiting for my wife's response. Maybe she's busy or sleeping. I grabbed again my phone to check the timezone of LA and Barcelona. It's 2 am in her and there is 11 pm. So it's morning there. Maybe she was just busy. I waited again, and again, and nothing. I need to rest, but my mind is waiting for something or someone, specifically my wife! What have you done to me, Justine?

Book 1: jealousy, jealousy (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon