Chapter 10

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Jiang Cheng found out just how wrong his assumptions about Wei Ying being loyal to him and staying at his side had been the very next day. His brother had once again been assigned a punishment by Lan Qiren and had been dragged away by Lan Wangji. Usually, Jiang Cheng went to check on him, but only later in the afternoon, today however, he had been in a bad mood since morning – Wei Ying had yet to say a single word about loving him or having read the book he had borrowed – and he decided to go immediately.

He had expected to find Wei Ying whining about having to copy rules, just as he had all the previous times. To say that he was shocked speechless at the scene before him when he peeked inside the Library pavilion would have been a terrible understatement of his emotions. It took him several minutes to process what his eyes were seeing in fact and for it to start working again.

Wei Ying – his Wei Ying! – was sitting in Lan Wangji's lap, facing the Second Jade and kissing him fiercely and hungrily. Lan Wangji's hands were in his hair, tugging the other impossibly closer. It did not seem like the Second Jade had been forced into this, he was enjoying the kissing too much for that. So much for the Gusu Lan sect's rules and abiding by them! Lan Wangji was just as shameless and terribly behaving as Wei Ying. And now his hands had even left Wei Ying's hair and were travelling down the sides of his face, his neck, their final destination Wei Ying's waist.

Jiang Cheng saw red at once. It was now clear to him why Wei Ying needed to borrow an indecent book from Nie Huisang. It had not been because he wanted to take another step forward together with Jiang Cheng. No, it must have been his intention from the very start to seduce the Second Jade of the Gusu Lan sect; it must have been his doing because Jiang Cheng could hardly imagine Lan Wangji being the one to even suggest, much less initiate, something like this.

His brother had him fooled like this the whole time! Jiang Cheng was thinking back to all those times when Wei Ying would cause unnecessary troubles despite all his warnings and punishments. It must have been only an excuse to be left alone with Lan Wangji. And all those times he had disappeared for half a day or more, presumably gotten lost in the back mountains? That must have just been another way to escape from Jiang Cheng and cheat on him with someone else.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to immediately stop those two love birds from going any further. Wei Ying was his and he had no intention to share him with anyone, not even with someone like the Second Jade. Perhaps especially not with Lan Wangji. Then, a smirk made its way onto Jiang Cheng's lips. He had just thought of a much better idea how to punish his brother and make him never seek Lan Wangji's company again.

He shot one last murderous glare at the making out cultivators and he turned on his heel and went back to his and Wei Ying's room. His brother was going to get a surprise when he would come back. One that he would hopefully not forget and which would finally make him fully Jiang Cheng's.

When Wei Ying came back, there was not even one hair out of place from his usual look. He must have made himself presentable and hid any evidence of his disobedience and disloyalty. If that was how he wanted to pretend, well two could play that game.

Jiang Cheng made an effort to quell his anger and smile pleasantly: "Big Brother, how was your punishment today?"

Wei Ying looked at him with a hint of suspicion in his eyes which disappeared almost as soon as it appeared and he started whining as per usual: "Little Brother, it was horrible, just like always. I thought I would die of boredom!"

Jiang Cheng was not even amused anymore; it was too much. Wei Ying was pretending as if nothing happened! How long had he been leading Jiang Cheng astray? How long had he been pulling his leg while secretly laughing behind his back? How long had he been pretending to love Jiang Cheng and in fact seeing Lan Wangji?

That was what Jiang Cheng could not stomach. He could have accepted that Wei Ying had wanted more freedom – not that he would give it to him but his brother was still allowed to long for it, that much would Jiang Cheng allow him to do – but not his brother seeing and loving someone else. Back in Lotus Pier, he had made sure to chase away anyone who would have tried to get close to Wei Ying and discouraged his brother from seeking comfort anywhere else than in him. Alas, it had all been for naught as soon as they had crossed the gates of the Cloud Recesses.

"Poor you," he said, his tone amused despite his dark thoughts, "Lan Qiren is too hard on you."

Wei Ying cheered up even more now and his rattling got endless: "Is he not though? It is like he hates me, well, I guess he hated me from the first moment we had met. What did I ever do to him? Well, yeah, I guess I could have not taunted him like that all the time, with breaking the rules just to spite him. But still! It has gotten childish by now how he would always..."

Jiang Cheng had no patience to listen to his brother rattling, all the more that he knew the true reason behind all the punishments now. And it was not to spite Lan Qiren or because of the teacher's distaste for Wei Ying's frequent misbehaviour.

"Big Brother," he warned, his voice dangerous now. He only made it a point to speak this low key and slow when he wanted to make his point. And his brother knew that very well by now.

Wei Ying stopped talking at once and was now looking at him with apparent fear and unease. Good, now they were talking. Something purred in Jiang Cheng's chest and the heat which the feeling brought with it expanded until it settled in his groin. He was enjoying this but it had gone on long enough. It was time to show Wei Ying who he really belonged to; and it was of course no one else but Jiang Cheng himself.

He gestured to his brother and Wei Ying came closer obediently enough. That was good, at least he still remembered something, but not everything and that was all that mattered.

"Get naked!" he ordered and his brother obeyed. A little too slowly for Jiang Cheng's taste but he assumed it could not have been helped with how much Wei Ying's hands trembled.

Once the last of his brother's robes fell onto the ground, Jiang Cheng observed him for a while, making the other visibly more and more uneasy. He was enjoying this. On to the next step, he decided when his member started throbbing painfully, showing him that there was no more time to lose.

He gestured to the bed and when Wei Ying seemed confused, he added: "Lay down on your back."

His brother did as he was told, slowly, fearfully. Still, he did not dare to say a single word. Which was good, Jiang Cheng felt like his anger would have erupted as soon as a single complaint or a single word or disobedience would have left his brother's lips. He did not know what he would have been capable of doing in that case. His thoughts were dark and angry; it could have been something over the line.

He observed his brother's trembling and naked body on his bed, completely prepared for him and vulnerable in its innocence and ignorance. It seemed that Wei Ying had yet to understand where this was going and what Jiang Cheng would do next. The Yunmeng Jiang sect heir was not worried though; he would show Wei Ying just how much he loved him shortly. With that, his brother would at last remember who he belonged to.

Realization finally bloomed in his brother's eyes when Jiang Cheng started fastening his wrists and ankles to the bed frame with a rope he had gotten together with a few other items from Nie Huisang. He could now fully appreciate his new friend's good taste.

He relished in the look of horror which overtook Wei Ying's expression. His brother's mouth opened as if he wanted to protest but Jiang Cheng had been prepared for that. This time, he did not want to hear any words Wei Ying would perhaps want to tell him, he did not want to hear any pleading or begging. He was the one in charge and he was about to accomplish what he had planned regardless of the fact if the other party wanted this or not. He inserted a makeshift gag – one of his own socks – into his brother's mouth.

Now Wei Ying was ready. And Jiang Cheng was as well, he had been for several minutes already. With a hungry and needy growl, he joined his brother on the bed, his lips forming a snarl and then growl of satisfaction when he saw tears running down Wey Ying's face and how his eyes became impossibly wide and full of terror. He loved to see Wei Ying in this state ever since they were children, that much did not change regardless of every other change their lives took.

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