Mystery Guy

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Zayn malik as Devin

I had to mentally push myself to stay aware in math class and when i was hazel eyes swim around in my head.I shake my head focus.I scolded myself.You were having some sick delusion for whatever reason...maybe its stress...yea that sounds realistic enough.I reassured myself.I do this alot-talk to myself i mean,especially when the crazy side of me needs to be put in place.

My math teacher was saying something about powers and factors.I looked around everyone more or less was following the latest trend and were wearing the-what-the-hell-is-he-saying look.Its popular in almost every math class.I sighed its sad,that this is the constant thing in my life.

I gave up on trying to decode what the teacher is saying if the world was to depend on anyone in this class to save em for what ever reason using their mad math skills I'd tell you guys to not hold your breath.You'd live longer.

I started fidgeting blame my inability to put up with bull for too long.I kicked out my legs and began counting the tiny skulls on my sneakers.26,27,28,29,30 wait i counted that one already...1,2,3.

"Isabelle Grindley!".I froze and looked up slowly to see a very red faced Mr. Zinc.Fucketty fuck he called my by my full name i wondered how long he has been calling me for."Uh yes Mmr Z-zinc"i stammered."Do you mind repeating what i just said"he said visibly annoyed that i found my kicks more interesting than his lecture."I..."shit what did he say?I looked around everyone was staring.I looked to the side maybe for help...shit.I had decided to sit at the back of the class only one seat was left inoccupied and the other at my right wasn't in working order. Jinx

Just as was about to make something up someone walked through the door.Judging by some of the girl's expressions I'm guessing its a guy.Never the less be grateful for the change in spotlight. My sub said. I sighed and mentally face palmed m self.

I watched as the intruder hand Mr Zinc a green slip lucky bugger has a late pass from the principal.After a few minuted of hushed convo Mr Zinc pointed to the back of the class.

The intruder looked up.

I think i just shit myself.

Those haunting hazel eyes registered what looked like shock that quickly morphed into boredom.He sauntered slowly to me.No you idiot he's going to the know the only one available.Did i mention my sub conscious was annoying.

He seemed oblivious to the sighs and stares his new fan girls were throwing his way.

Mr.Zinc was saying something about new student and being welcome and...wait what! So he isn't just a dream and I'm not imagining this.Congrats you've reached the first stage of human evolution.Oh my sub is sarcastic too.

"Ms Grindley since you are already there can you instruct Mr Grey as to which chapter we are"Mr Zinc said.I nodded numbly.The request gained me a few jealous stares and an unwanted newby.So much for being invisible.

Finally he reached his seat.The class proceeded to keep the trend alive wearing the signature lost look as Zinc droned on.When he passed i caught a whiff of a mixture of mint and something woodsy masculine if you may.I had to resist the urge to fill my lungs with the intoxicating smell.

He sat and dropped his bag to the floor i noticed he didn't make a move to get out his books so i figured he didn't need my help after all.It was hard to resist so i glanced sideways and peeked at him he was studying hand band he was wearing it had studs and was a shiny black.

He had those eyelashes girls would pay an arm for long and dark,his features seemed to be spun of a bronze silk delicate soft yet the were defined.His pale pink lips were set in a straight line it managed to add appeal a lock of dark unruly hair fell idly over his left eye.I noticed a string if tatoos snakes up his arm and dissapeard under his black v neck tees,that hugged his biceps and defined his thin but strong figure.I tried hard not to sigh...he spelled perfection.

Then he looked at me bloody burgers he caught you staring! My sub yelled i looked away but not before i noticed his knowing smirk.

Tardaaar!i finished a new chapter :) #proud i should be studying but....;) you knew i couldn't stay away :* love you guys Thxx for sticking around vote comment fan


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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