Chapter 1

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~Isabelle P.O.V

"Bella honey its time to wake up or you're going to be late for school"I groaned." Bella!" Its my aunt Madeline she took me in after my parents died.She's been great she takes good care of us she works in an office as the secretary of a lawfirm Bradson is its name...i think.I have everything i want except my parents.

"I'm up"i mumbled."Good hurry down for breakfast " I listened as her footsteps faded.I dragged myself off the bed.I was the groggy-in-the-morning- type. I walked to the bath room.No toothpaste.

"Aunt Maddy there isn't any toothpaste"i yelled down."I'll get some from the store today"She yelled back.A brushed my teeth with water.When i was putting away my tooth brush it the toilet.I am frustrated i kick hard.Shit i stub my toe on the tub.

This is how i am, this is a typical morning in my suck shit life.

I got dressed in a T-shirt that is too big for me and my black and only pair of skinny jeans...all the others either got accidentally bleached out or got set ablaze...don't ask.Then i went downstairs.

While eating breakfast i was finishing up my math homework Mr Perkins...lets just say he loves his job.Homework every class and detentions if they aren't done.

The neighbour's cat jumped up on the window and frightened me the spoon of cereal that was half way to my mouth spilled over my book."Shit shit shit"i said as i shook my homework now covered in milk and Charms.

"Aunt Maddy I'm leaving now"i shouted up i knew she was getting ready for work.She hobbled to the top of the staircase.She was putting in her earring and she only had on one shoe.

"I can give you a ride" she offered. She always asked but i didn't want to jinx her,with my luck we'd end up in a small corner of the newspaper with the headline Freak Accident Seventeen Year Old and Aunt Dead.

I shook my head "No thanks I'll walk"i replied.She blew me a kiss and i left.


On my way to school a cat ran right in front of me.I nearly shit myself it just appeared out of nowhere.A few blocks down i saw the same cat...dead.A car hit it poor kitty.wait its the neighbour's cat.Shit

I was passing the neighbourhood park.I watched as a mother played with her child.The little girl looked about six or so.I smiled.Then the kid fell off the swing.I looked away quickly my smile faded.I power walked to school sure to not make eye contact.It was too early for more accidents.

Our school  Denver Jackson High is the model for excellency...on the outside.Its the Green comfy looking lawn,perfectly parked cars in the perfect parking lot,the air of excellence.Mannerable kids who don't mull around outside type...Not.

The grass is green but that's because we haven't had lunch yet.Then it'd have purple green red orange you name it all over.Secondly the cars are neat because I'm early and only the teachers are here...the students like to be fashionably late...for school!

The air is fresh only cuz stress hasn't kicked in yet when it does the teachers hide away to take a drag.And manners (scoffs) as i said I'm a little early even if school will start in two minutes or so.Cliché.

I burst through the main doors full of confidence the kids stop and stare ohs and ahs ruse from the school population.The jocks check me out the cheerleaders sulk.

"Hey kid you gonna pass or what?"the janitor asked pulling me from my daydream.I sigh and nod.Only a couple of nerds,teacher's pets,and down right don't belongs are here.Which ass created highschool.I'd like to know so i can smack him up the head.

I walk to my locker.The bell rang but nobody moves.A mess around with my combination it changes too often don't ask.I finally get it right. There is a lot of commotion outside.Thirteen minutes after people start to arrive.

Thats when school begins but they keep saying its 8am.As if they can start school without actual students.

I grab my books and hope to get lost in the crowd.Its hard since i am the only ginger haired kid the other skipped town.He tried to be my friend.Something about sticking together.My hair and green eyes make it hard to blend in.Im pretty maybe closer to beautiful than I'd like to admit but its important to stay alone.For safety purposes.

I closed my locker when i turned i saw Channing checking me out. I've lost count of the times I'd say no to going out with him he still sported a cast from last month when he fell.They keep saying it was an accident but we know better.

He smiled at me.I felt like i should smile back but i didn't i turned my back to him.Channing is a great guy good grades,perfect gentleman debate team and student council. But if he didn't take the hint and back off he'll get hurt.

I rest my forehead on my locker barely refraining from banging it.I felt eyes on my i took deep breaths willing myself to be invisible praying i don't hurt anybody else today.

But the eyes on me made my skin tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck rose with awareness.

I turned ready to tell Channing to just go away but...he wasn't there.Instead my eyes locked with a hazel eyed,lean bodied, just-out-of-bed-and-i-dont-care sort of hair,square jaw and tasty looking lips teen god.My pulse accelerated to an unimaginable speed.He just stood there staring.

I turned back to face my locker.I closed my eyes.He isn't for real is he? I would have noticed him before right.For the billionth time since i figured i was jinx i wished i was seeing things. I squeezed my eyes together willing this...this distraction to go away.

When i finally opened my eyes i was alone in the halls.I slumped against my locker it was only just a dream...I walked to class.math yay!...Not.

So guyz what do u think i hope you like it.I'm trying something different :) wish me luck.Vote and comment pweedi pwease all that's nice on top.Check out my other book FALL. :*mwaaaah ;).

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