"Everyone listen up." The car immediately went quiet, waiting for Nadine to continue. "We aren't here to fight. We're hear to- that's not important for y'all, but what I'm saying is that you guys have to be on your best behaviors." He finishes in a mocking tone, treating us as if we're children.

"Ok, let's do this"


We now stand on the front steps, waiting for someone to answer the door.

A few minutes later, a man with curly brown hair and tanned skin opens the door for us.
We all step inside, waiting in the living room.

The inside of the house was nice. It contained 3 couches, the first one was a little off the the right, it was a nice brown leather couch, capable of fitting at least a dozen people. There was a single couch chair, and then another leather couch across.

A little brown coffee table separates the couches from each other, causing them not to touch.

A chandelier with crystals hangs from the ceiling. The fireplace wasn't too much, but it was still nice. Overall, this man had 'income'.

"ах, Надин, так приятно тебя видеть

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"ах, Надин, так приятно тебя видеть. Опять таки." Ivan says after coming out of a room I'm assuming is his office.
(Translation: Ah, Nadine, so nice to see you. Again.)

Nadine gives a blank look while they shake hands. He doesn't look pleased with him, and that's probably because of what happened last night.

But I don't think Ivan will be happy when he finds out that one of his men, are now 6 feet under.

"We need to talk." Nadine's voice is raspy, as if he hasn't slept in a while. He's wearing a white dress shirt that compliments his tan skin and some black slacks. He was wearing a big coat- everyone was wearing a big coat, but it seems as though they've taken them off and hung them on the coat rack.

I also noticed that Alex and Diego have taken their shoes off and put them next to the door.

Kaylee, Aniyah, and I are all huddled close together, attempting to get warm. It turns out that Kaylee isn't all that bad, but I'm not saying she's nice either. She apologized for how she was acting towards me the other night. I said it's fine and just went on with my day.

And I already know Me and Aniyah get along.

"убирайся, мне нужно место для моих гостей" Ivan says and immediately, the room clears of all the men that were once there.
(Translation: clear the room, I need space for my guests)

Now that the room was empty, I felt like I was finally able to breathe. That's what me and Alex have in common. We can't stand people.

Nadine walks over to the five of us and pulls us aside. "While I'm in this meeting, the girls are gonna go upstairs and wait there" he looks towards Alex and Diego "and you two are coming in with me."

I looked at Alex and saw that worry had spread across his face. We didn't sign up for this shit. We were born into it. And that's isn't fair.

"Why does Alex have to go?" I ask before they get a chance to leave. Nadine looks at me.

"Because I said." I hate when people use that as an excuse, even though I tend to do that as well.


"Go upstairs." Cold. He's back to his normal self. If he ever changed in the first place.

Me, Aniyah, and Kaylee all walk up the hardwood steps, our shoes clicking every step we make.

I look down the railing to see Alex, Diego, and Nadine going into the office with Ivan.

Alex. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you, I do. But I just...... can't.

Sorry I haven't posted smh 🤦🏻‍♀️.

-Brooke ♥️ Friday 9/10/21

"What's 9x10?" "21" sorry I had to, it's the only day I'll ever be able to do it.

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