"You're awake," I commented, turning around so we came face to face. "Hi, baby."

He smiled softly, opening his mouth to say something but another voice spoke first. "I'm almost impressed by the lengths you'd go to for your little girl. Though, not enough to let bygones be," Dahlia said.

All eyes turned to her. Klaus held me from behind, Marcel stood to my right, his presence just being known to me, and Freya was getting on her feet, just a couple steps ahead of Klaus and I. Dahlia a yard away held up her hand and suddenly the white oak stake Freya had dropped when I tackled her, landed in Dahlia's hand.

"We are still linked, dear aunt," Klaus reminded her. His hands on my hips, pulling me back and around his side. He moved to stand himself protectively in front of me, facing her head on. "You may not want to punish me with that particular weapon," he added. He was saying the right things but I knew he was fearful. That was the only weapon that could kill him and it was in his enemies hands. Hell, he felt unsafe with Elijah holding it.

Dahlia seemed to smirk, in amusement, "Hmph. I made sure that the link between us melted along with that dagger. Meaning, I'm quite free to kill you."

She held the stake out, pointing in our direction. Then quickly she held out her other hand, and made a pulling gesture, beckoning my boyfriend closer. With the use of magic it worked. Klaus, against his will, was sliding across the floor towards her.

Before his body made it to the stake, Marcel to the side, ran forward, knocking Klaus to the ground. I gasped, moving to help them both up as Dahlia then disappeared out of thin air taking the stake with her. "Baby," I sighed relieved, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

"They're both gone. She took Freya," Marcel stated.

"And the white oak," Klaus added, his hands grabbing hold of my hips to push me back. He held me at arms length, looking me over. "I'm alright, love."

"I know," I mumbled. "I just... constantly worry about you."

He smiled and was moving to kiss me when he halted abruptly. His hands dropped from my body and he vanished within a blink of an eye. I glanced at Marcel confused and he nodded to the stairs. He rushed towards them, me hot on heels, running to see what was wrong. But I could hear Hope's cries as I got closer. That explains why he ran.

When Marcel and I caught up, Klaus was in Hope's nursery, picking her up from her crib. I stared in horror at all the dark, bushy vines surrounding every surface in the room, including her crib. "Why didn't she take Hope?" Marcel questioned, coming forward.

"All she needed was a drop of her blood," Klaus answered him. "Unfortunately, I have no idea where the vile harpy has fled to."

Marcel looked between Klaus and I. "Go. Get Hope someplace safe. I'll track down your witch. And when this is over, you and I are gonna settle up," Marcel said.

"Provided we survive what's to come tonight, I look forward to it," Klaus replied.

Marcel then took off at vampire speed, leaving the three of us alone. I stepped closer finally, looking at the little prick made on the side of Hope's hand that she now had in her mouth. "What are we going to do?" I asked, rubbing the baby's back. She wasn't crying but she had an upset expression on her face.

"I want to send you both on a plane far, far away," he said, frowning down at the two of us. "But it's no use because after tonight, Dahlia will be dead and it'll be safe again."

"Safe?" I scoffed. "Until the next bump in the road?"

"Because I needed you to say that," he retorted sarcastically.

I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now