Chapter 1

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"I cant believe they found me!" I yelled.

I was running for my life. They were gaining on me.

" Let go of my friends!"

I had no idea what to do. If I take the information, my friends will die. My heart was pounding, and I kept thinking what to do. I'm too tired to run any further. Everybody was depending on me. I cant lose. I wont. If i don't find a way to stop them, all my training, hope, and trust were for nothing. All i heard was screaming from my friends, and footsteps rumbling on the floor.

" Shit!" I'm too tired. I cant go any forward. There coming. I had no choice but to surrender....... or die.

*One Week Later*

Chris. That's my name. I'm just a normal guy in college learning like any guy would, or at least i think so. life is usually hard. I'm not usually the type of outdoors yet. Im sitting at my chemistry class with my two friends, Jake and Anna. They've been my friends for two years and still counting. I'm thinking about what way I should ask Anna out on a date. I like Anna, but she doesn't know that. I'm scared to ask her out, so I'm thinking twice about what I'm going to say before i regret it. Jake is the cool guy in my classroom. I'm lucky to have him as a friend. Honestly without Jake, I would never make it through college.

I cant wait, tomorrow, spring break starts!

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