Fifty Six

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Karl stood from the bed as Sapnap laid Karl's long black coat over his shoulders. Karl smiled looking down to see the way the ruby cuffs peeked past the jacket's sleeves. Sapnap wrapped his arm around Karl's hip tightly as the four walked through the lobby and out to George's car, the valet opening the doors for them.

Karl's smile stayed on his face the almost entire ride to the restaurant, loving the way he could see Sapnap staring from his peripherals. His smile faded as he saw George looking at him in the mirror, quickly averting his gaze once he was caught.

"George-" Karl started.

"Nothing!" George responded instantly; his quick giggle halted by Dream squeezing his thigh.

Karl looked down at his red shirt, a portion of his confidence fading away after hearing George laugh. Karl pulled his hand out of Sapnap's, buttoning his jacket. Sapnap reached up hesitantly, preventing Karl from buttoning it further.

"I'm just cold." Karl said with a half-smile, quickly looking down to finish buttoning the jacket as Sapnap slowly recoiled his hand.

Karl stepped out of the car quickly as soon as they arrived, watching Dream and George link hands as they walked ahead. Sapnap reached his hand around Karl's waist, quickly removing it as Karl quickened his pace.

"Four for Clayton." Dream said with a smile to the hostess. Their table was in the center of the dining room. Karl would've loved the table had he not become increasingly self-conscious from hearing George snicker at him.

Karl sat at the table next to Dream, Sapnap and George sitting across from them. Karl slowly slid off his jacket, hanging it on the back of his chair, hoping it would somewhat hide him. He felt Sapnap tap his leg with his foot. Karl looked up quickly to see Sapnap's confused face, soon returning his gaze to the menu, not extending his leg.

"We'll have a cabernet sauvignon for the table." George said to the waiter, his and Dream's hands still interlocked across the table. In a small selfish way, Karl wished they wouldn't do anything to cause attention to their table, already hyperaware of the eyes on them.

"Can we actually just get two waters?" Sapnap asked before the waiter could walk away. He nodded, leaving after taking one more glance at the group of boys.

"I told you that you can drink here." George laughed. Sapnap hesitantly looked to Karl before answering.

"I know, I just think we should have some water first." He said awkwardly, desperate for Karl to look up at him.

Karl was in his own world, consumed by the stares he could feel surrounding him. Karl stood slowly, not wanting to draw any further unwanted attention to himself.

"I'm going to use the restroom." He said quietly, already weaving through the chairs of the crowded dining room.

Karl walked into the bathroom, staring himself in the mirror.

"Idiot." He muttered to himself, wiping the lone tear from his watery eye.

"What's going on?" Karl heard Sapnap from the doorway.

"Nothing." Karl said quietly, turning on the water.

"Don't shut me out, please." Sapnap said softly, brushing his hands across the silky fabric and around Karl's waist.

Karl sighed, grabbing a small towel to dry his hands.

"This shirt is George's sister's. I didn't think anything of it when he looked confused when I asked to borrow it, but in the car.. I caught him looking at me through the mirror and he laughed. He laughed at me, Nick. Now I just feel stupid." Karl mumbled, slightly flinching away from Sapnap's hand.

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