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Currently in the process of editing this story :)
It was quiet as an abandoned building echoed raindrops from outside onto the rooftops. But the sound couldn't block the intense screams from a individual in the process of being tortured inside.

Approaching inside the strange premises, there was only a sight of two individuals, one being tortured with blood stains and dried tears across his body, Morley his face.

The other being the one commencing the torture, punishing for an unknown reason. "God, would you be quiet. Your just giving me more of an excuse to kill you, you know?"

"Please... I don't know what you want from me but let me go home... I have two kids and a wife I care deeply abou—" "I'd suggest you don't lie when your in front of someone who could kill you in the blink of an eye." The mere dangerous individual warned, leaving the other to gulp nervously.

"J- just tell me what you w- want." The taller individual smiled from the quick surrender, "Wow... your no fun at all. Caving into my demands that easily. Why must my boss give me such useless missions."

The individual able to walk freely glared down at the one, who was at his mercy. "Give me the code, and don't you dare play dumb." He threatened. The individual didn't dare to object, already feeling the tense atmosphere surround his body in the cold room.  

"I-... What code are you referring to—" "I'd suggest you don't get on my nerves. If that pretty little head of yours doesn't process what I'm about to say then your shit out of luck." The individual spoke darkly, bringing his mouth towards the scared individuals ear, "if you move a single step, utter another unnecessary word. You'll never and I mean never see the light of day." A short rush of panic ran through the individual as the other walked away smirking to himself.

This wasn't going to take any longer than he expected. "F- fine... the code is 0708, adding 0006." He Revealed, hoping the other was satisfied with his answer. Which he certainly was. He grinned sheepishly towards the traumatized individual.

"You enjoy this, aren't you? The thought of me torturing you from limb to limb. Abusing your body like your a complete monster that needs to be killed on sight." The bruised man sat in the chair shaking and trembling, muttering Incoherent words to defend himself, but all went in vain.

"Let's play shall we—" "Hyunjin no, I want to get home and your taking forever so come on." Hyunjin clicked the side of his ear before responding, "Both of you are no fun. fine... I'll wrap this up. But am I going with 1 or 2?" He asked his Comrade in the ear piece.

"Hyunjin I don't care just go with whatever you feel is necessary. I'd suggest finishing off the kill but that's just my opini—" "Ok." He intervened, before throwing his blade at the head of the not so traumatized individual. "God, now we have to clean it up. Couldn't you be a little more neater?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the comment, "I apologize your highness, do you want to be the one to do the honors next time?" Hyunjin questioned sarcastically.

"Point taken." She responded, Hyunjin hummed in appeasement, "Good, now are we done here for today? Cause I believe lix is at home, baking, and I'm craving the sweet taste of his pastries." He declared taking his gloves off then proceeding to toss them onto the ground.

"Your the dumbass who decided you wanted to play around with the target. I've been waiting for you."
She responded, sounds of keys on a keyboard being pressed in the background.

"Point taken. Alright let me just— Fuck!" Hyunjin abruptly cursed, causing the girl behind the scenes to panic. "What?! Did someone infiltrate?! Are you cornered?! Are you hurt?!" The girl rambled as he starting aggressively typing on her keyboard.

"My blade is caught in the targets head! I can't get it out!" Hyunjin complained as he tried to pull the blade out from his dead targets skull. The girl wanted to mentally face palm herself from her friends stupidity. "Sometimes I wanna smack you across your head, and then pray it leaves a mark." She stated, proceeding to type on her keyboard.

"Yah, you can't do that since I'm older—" "Need I remind you that we're the exact same age."

"You claim that we're the exact same age and yet you've never told me nor shown me your birthday. Your the reason why I have trust issues." He protested, finally yanking the blade from the targets skull. The girl stayed silent which made Hyunjin question if she was still there, "Yej? You there?"

There was a short silence until Hyunjin heard a small clash, "Yea! Just- nvm. Come on get a move on already!" She whined, Hyunjin grew puzzled from the sudden change of words, but dismissed the thoughts. "Alright we'll I'm done here, wanna just blow the place up?" Hyunjin asked. Yeji gave the same response previously.

"Whatever you want, Hwang. It's your mission, I'm just helping you complete it—" "Yea, Yea, Yea.... I'm going I'm going."


The mission was complete and Hyunjin and Yeji departed. Yeji going back to her home premises. Whilst Hyunjin did the same. They both lived with their best friends, also known as secret crushes. But Yeji lived on campus, she was just lucky to get the same dorm with her favorite person. Meanwhile Hyunjin, had been living with his favorite person before they even went to the academy.

He approached the door but before he was even able to open it, he was surprised by a blonde haired individual staring brightly at him. "Jinnie! Your home!" Hyunjin returned his excitement with a smile. "Jeez lix, you scared me." He stated, pulling the younger in for a small hug.

The blonde haired boy and the black haired boy took a seat down on their couch debating if they should get take out or just cook. "You could learn more cooking skills from me." Felix protested

"But I'm craving some kimchi and jjajangmyeon. It's been a long day lix..." Hyunjin dragged on, trying to persuade the younger. "But you didn't go to school today nor yesterday. What could you be doing that tiring you so mu— why is there blood on your shirt." He spoke but then questioned, examining the small amount of blood on hyunjins shirt.

Hyunjin slightly I panicked from the question, contemplating a series of thoughts to reply to his answer. "It's nothing lix, j- just some play fighting at practice today." He lied.

Hyunjin had told Felix that he joined a martial arts studio to hide any mysterious curiosity from the younger when Hyunjin suddenly disappeared or came back form somewhere with bruises and cuts. It wasn't the best excuse, but it helped him settle things for a while.

Felix softly nodded, "O- ok..." He believed, but Hyunjin knew there was a sense of disbelief in his tone. But he didn't wanna explore it any further.
"Well if your going to take a shower, do it now before I take my ass in ther—" "Alright alright, I'm going. Jeez..."

Felix smirked, "Good, now go before you miss movie night again."

"Ha, when have I ever? It's our special time lixie." He responded before walking into the bathroom then proceeding to shut the door.

Re edit of the first chapter :)

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