"it's new and shiny, they're humans, they're like toddlers," Morgana said, "remember when we visited the golden emperor and Lark clung onto his crown and refused to let go?"

The Doctor laughed and nodded "ah, we almost got executed for that"

"Like iPads have dropped out of the sky. Taking them to work, taking pictures, making films, posting them on Flickr and YouTube. Within three hours, the cubes had a thousand separate Twitter accounts." Kate informed them

"Twitter?" The Doctor asked with a confused look

Kate clicked her tongue as she eyed the box on the counter wearily "I've recommended we treat this as a hostile incursion. Gather them all up and lock them in a secure facility. But that would take massive international agreement and co-operation."

"We need evidence. The cubes arrived in plain sight, in vast quantities, as the sun rose. So, what does that tell us?" the Doctor asked

"Maybe they wanted to be seen. Noticed." Amy suggested

"Or more than that, they want to be observed. So we observe them. Stay with them round the clock. Watch the cubes, day and night. Record absolutely everything about them. Team cube, in it together." The Doctor cheered

Morgana rolled her eyes as she helped her children take off their overcoats, they'd just gotten home from the park, she had been hopeful that she could run the Doctor ragged, but it hadn't worked

"Four days. Nothing! Nothing! Not a single change in any cube anywhere in the world. Four days, and I am still in your lounge!" the Doctor complained

"You were the one who wanted to observe them, Dearest" she informed him as she kissed Lark's cheek, shooing him off as Blue sat between her legs so she could fix his braids

"Yes, well, I thought they'd do something, didn't I? Not just sit there while everyone eats endless cereal!" the Doctor snapped as he glared at the cereal bowl in Rory's hand as if it had committed a capital offence

"You said we had to be patient," Rory replied

"Yes, you! You, not me! I hate being patient. Patience is for wimps. I can't live like this. Don't make me. I need to be busy." The Doctor whined as he looked desperately around

"two thousand years" Rory muttered to Morgana who snickered

"ah, I think this incarnation might have a bit of an attention problem" Morgana replied "along with too much energy"

"Fine! Be busy! We'll watch the cubes." Amy snapped and the Doctor lunged from the couch and began running around the house

"how do you put up with it?" Rory asked

Morgana calmly braided Blue's hair as Mimi and Lark eagerly followed their father "oh, the TARDIS is infinite, if it ever gets too bad, I'll just drug him"

"have you done that before?" Rory wondered

She shook her head "not yet, I imagine it'll occur at one point, I'm hopeful" she joked, and Rory laughed as she looked out the window to see him mowing the lawn before moving on again

"Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. Sweetheart!" he called as he ran into the house to regale her with his triumphant tale, he then went and vacuumed the entire house

"Four million nine hundred ninety-nine, five million." The Doctor cried out as they watched a Disney movie, he came in panting before picking up Lark and Mimi before dropping down onto the sofa, putting his children on his lap

"That's better. Nothing like a bit of activity to pass the time. How long was I gone?" he asked happily

"Er, about an hour," Rory replied

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