Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses

Start from the beginning

The keys in the container on her belt now made more sense. Krinos had explained how there were Heart and Holder type mystic souls. Angela was obviously a holder type since she used her keys to channel her magic. It was still very cool what she could do. Who wouldn't want to be able to summon beings or creatures from another dimension?

T'challa was next and given the others, they looked forward to hearing about what he could do.

"I'm a jungle cat mage," he explains to them. "I can not only channel the abilities of enchanted versions of jungle cats but I also can change into were-creature versions of them as well as the normal forms of them. I can also conjure weapons related to them."

"Um..." Neville hesitated to ask, but a warm smile from the black teen got him to go through with it. "How exactly can you get... weapons from jungle cats?"

T'challa chuckled. "I get that question a lot, actually. I am able to conjure weapons that are cat-like. In a way, at least. Like, a whip that is almost like a cat's tail, or a blade trio that is similar to cat claws, or even an indestructible cloak that is like the fur of a Nemean Lion."

"Those creatures are real too," Harry was shocked.

He had always been a fan of Greek mythology since it was interesting to him. He used to spend a lot of time in the local library when he was hiding from Dudley and his gang. They never even entered the school library, let alone the public one, so they never looked for him there. So, he lost himself among as many of the books as he could. The Greek mythology books were some that he enjoyed the most.

The Nemean lion was a vicious monster in Greek mythology that lived at Nemea. It was eventually killed by Heracles. It could not be killed with mortals' weapons because its golden fur was impervious to attack. Its claws were sharper than mortals' swords and could cut through any armor. It was one of the most legendary creatures from ancient Greece.

"Of course it's real," Krinos chuckled. "I get that you were raised by mundanes, Harry, so let me break it down for you. All magical creatures, everywhere in the world, are real."

"All of them," Harry's eyes widened since he knew that there were hundreds of different creatures from all types of myths and legends across the globe.

Even Fred, George, and Neville were also shocked by that as well. Sure, they knew about the creatures in Britain and the dragon reserve in Romania where Charlie Weasley worked, but this new information was a shock to them.

"You guy seriously need to take the International Magic class here," Angela says.

"The myths, legends, and even fairy tales that mundanes tell their kids are all based on facts," Melody explained. "Magic used to be a lot more open thousands of years ago. When creatures freely roamed the land and those like witches and wizards had no fear of magic at all. But after magic had to go into hiding, the stories that used to be fact-based slowly faded away into legend and myth as mundanes forgot that we really are areal."

"But, it is better that way," T'challa says. "Magic should be kept away from mortals. They would hunt us down and kill us just because we are different."

The rest of the mystic souls all nodded. That was something that made the Hogwarts group look at each other as they all continued to walk toward the Main Gallery. Fred, George, and Neville all came from Light families, meaning their families were ones that supported muggle and wizard relations. Not to mention the rights of muggleborn witches and wizards. And yet even with how nice the Crystal Rose group was, they all had something against muggles, which they called mundanes.

There was the obvious thought that they were like the pureblood purists back home, but they were against both muggles and muggleborns. All the Crystal Rose students have said was how they believe that the muggles would kill them if they ever found out that magic was real. When blood purists back home talk about muggles, it is because they hate them and think that they are below wizards. But, it did not seem like hatred when the mystic souls talked about them. It was more like they actually thought that muggles were dangerous and that they would be killed if muggles found out about them.

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